Why Did Soccer’s Real Madrid Remove the Cross From Its Logo?

What’s the difference between these two versions of the Real Madrid soccer team’s logo? The logo on the left is the typical one used by the massively popular Real Madrid soccer team. It is still the logo seen on the club’s web site.
The one on the right is the new, edited version that will be used to promote the new, billion dollar Real Madrid resort island being built in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Did you notice that the small cross atop the crown was removed?
If you are not familiar with the soccer world, Real Madrid is on par with other globally-recognized professional sports franchises like the New York Yankees or the Dallas Cowboys. They are a brand with annual revenues over $500,000 million and an estimated net worth of almost $2 billion dollars.
There are anecdotal reports that claim the 1920-31 logo using the crown was approved by Spain’s King Alfonso XIII back in 1920. It disappeared from the uniforms from 1931-1941. After the Spanish Civil War ended, the crown returned and has been present on the team’s logos and uniforms for the past 71 years.
Yahoo’s Brook Peck referred to the removal of the cross as a “small, but deliberate change.”
Deliberate? That’s a good word for it. Some are pushing the change as “good business” while others say that it smacks of religious intolerance and censorship.
The cross remains on Real Madrid’s logo everywhere else. It is only removed from the logos in the new theme park being built in the UAE.
You have to wonder, is there a concern that a tiny cross atop the crown might keep non-Christians away from the park’s amazing, waterfront stadium, gift shops, museum, hotel, and amusement park?
Pandering to Muslims again. They could easily tell the UAE to stick it if they wanted to.
The cross is obviously a powerful symbol that the Muslim Authorities fear and despise. If it weren't such a big deal - as they will, I'm sure, try to convince everyone who brings it up - they'd keep it.
It's all so simple: The UAE is a Muslim country, so if you are a Christian there, you are subject to Islamic law which prohibits the display of Christian symbols.
When Sharia Law takes hold in the USA, you will see just how horrific it will be for professing Christians. And it is not a matter of "if" but a matter of "when".
Word of The Day For Chirstians:
Just like LOS ANGELES removing the cordd from their city seal so it wont offend the leftists ACLU and self cenetred atheists wackos
@Anon 142: Dearborn, MI. Enough Said.
Has anyone else noticed that generally speaking, Americans are becoming some of the weakest and dumbest people on the planet?
Apparently, that old saying, "the dumbing down of America" was not just a saying, but a very well-planned and highly effective tactic.
If this is a business decision by Real MAdrid to broaden the appeal of their brand I see no place for it here.
If, however, it is something else then maybe it belongs here - but that is mere supposition.
Veritas, Truth is the Daughter of Lawgiver El, Saturn.
Jesus Christ was wedded to the Truth and the Son in Law of Saturn..... It was for this reason, his claim to honesty that the Father tested him.
The jealous disciples of Judas Iscariot had him crucified upon the unfolded black cube of Saturn for that acceptance.
Check your meds 10:44PM
@anon3:31 - What exactly does the U.S.A. or Americans have to do with this story?
@anon6:10 - I'm not sure how to take what you're saying. If you are saying that if this is a business decision than the story has no place on Tongue Tied I would agree.
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