Black bigotry OK?

We read:
"Former District of Columbia Mayor Marion Barry (D) made some indelicate remarks about Asians on Tuesday night while celebrating his win in the Democratic primary for the Ward 8 on the D.C. Council.
According to WRC-TV/NBC4, Barry made the remarks at his victory party, after his primary win, which almost certainly assures him a third four-year council term after the November general election, where Democrats dominate the local electorate.
“We got to do something about these Asians coming in and opening up businesses and dirty shops,” Barry said. “They ought to go. I’m going to say that right now. But we need African-American businesspeople to be able to take their places, too.”
Barry, for his part, stood his ground, saying the media has blown his comments out of proportion
He has of course been condemned by various people but his popularity among blacks seems to be undentable
This story is already "water under the bridge", he will get reelected by a wide wide margin in his ward, and Washington, DC will remain a national embarassment. It's humiliating being from this area.
Don't forget, the morons relected him after he served a prison sentence for being busted smoking crack while he was Mayor. There's nothing this man could to other than die to not get put back in office unless he admitted he's a white homosexual.
If this had involved the GOP you can bet the birdcage linners and talking heads would be on it for a week or more
This dweeb got robbed a few months ago and the jerk is calling for more GUN CONTROL typical of a liberal pothead like him
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