Incorrect washing-up sponges

"A company behind a new range of Afro style washing up sponges has been slammed for being racist.
Campaigners have attacked British makers Paladone for its latest range of dish cleaning products which caricatures black soul legend Diana Ross as having a brillo pad for a hairstyle.
The offending items, which have just gone on sale across the UK, have been likened to reproducing golliwogs or the Black and White Minstrels by reinforcing negative stereotypes.
The Unite Against Fascism general secretary Weyman Bennett said: ‘What are we going to have next, toilet brushes like that?
‘Although it’s aimed at being humorous, sometimes it’s not funny.
Great idea, toilet brushes in the likeness of Muhammad.
His and hers bath sponges and the PC crowd sounds off as usial their always getting noticed by the lap dog press
Anon 12:15.......absolutely brilliant. You've got yourself a million dollar idea there. Of course these would have to be marketed on the internet because any store selling them would be firebombed by the disciples of the "religion of peace."
They would make better dildos. And in Britain, where there are no real men, it would really come in handy. Know what i mean girls?
Man, some people need to have a sense of humor transplant.
More whining from the perpetually offended.
Its been many,many moons ago sice blacks wore afro hairstyles
Oh the irony...
a group calling itself "Unite Against Facsism" wants to ban a product... welcome to the new facsism.
Amy/2:56 must have whored her way around the whole of the British Isles in order to come to her amazingly blanket conclusion. Or more probably the few British men she actually met found HER as dull as a brush!
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