Thursday, November 24, 2011

Vodka Company Takes Heat Over ‘Christmas Quality, Hanukkah Pricing‘ ’Anti-Semitic’ Billboard

Hanukkah is not nearly as central to Jews as Christmas is to Christians. It has gained significance because it is close in time to Christmas and hence became something of a Jewish alternative to Christmas.

So the advertisement below seems to be saying that you spend less on a less important holiday. It is of course possible to see it as reference to Jews being tight with money but it doesn't actually say that.
Critics are up in arms over a vodka advertisement that has been widely regarded as offensive to Jews. The billboard, which advertises discounted Wódka vodka, reads, “Christmas Quality, Hanukkah Pricing,” a slogan that many believe is intended to invoke stereotypes about Jews.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), among others, has asked the company behind the ads to pull them, calling the aforementioned line “crude and offensive” and claiming that it “reinforces anti-Semitic stereotypes.”

“…The billboards evoke a Jewish holiday to imply something that is cheap and of lesser value when compared to the higher value of a Christian holiday,” explains Ron Meier, the ADL’s New York Regional Director.

The billboard in question was part of a larger campaign with similar, non-religious comparisons. Other ads reportedly read, “Movie Star Quality, Reality Star Pricing“ and ”Escort Quality, Hooker Pricing,” among others.



Anonymous said...

Technically, I know it sounds like splitting hairs, but to Orthodox Jews, Hannukah is not considered too important as it is a festival not a holiday. So I guess it could be just lighthearted and a joke, I prefer to give the benefit of the doubt to the company until other evidence shows otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Ockham's razor- Most people have no idea that Chanukah is a "lesser" festival. Most people have heard the stereotype about Jews being tight with money.

It isn't a bad line, but if someone in advertising thought they were gonna pull this off they were really high.

Anonymous said...

Damn middle easterners need to lighten up

Bird of Paradise said...

Remember when ABSOLUTE VODKA came out with those ads show the western part of the U.S. as part of MEXICO?