Friday, November 18, 2011

Atheist Group to Sponsor Anti-Christmas Billboards Featuring Jesus, Santa & Satan

Not much "tolerance" here:
"American Atheists announced Monday on their “No God Blog” a new billboard campaign in their continued effort in “laboring for the civil liberties of atheists,” but in reality just upsetting those who disagree with their theological stance. A press release for the American Atheists’ new holiday season billboard campaign reads:
“American Atheists announced today that their new billboard is going up in several locations nationwide, including the New Jersey side of the Lincoln Tunnel: the same location as last year’s famous ‘You KNOW it’s a MYTH’ billboard. The new billboard will also be going up in Ohio and Florida.

This year’s holiday season billboard features pictures of Neptune, Jesus, Santa Claus, and the Devil and says, ‘37 Million Americans know MYTHS when they see them. What do you see?’”

Anticipating the inevitability that their billboard will offend others, Dave Silverman, the president of American Atheists, said, “When you question someone’s long-held beliefs and doctrine they are going to be immediately offended and be on the defensive: it’s a known psychological phenomenon.”

More here

Being offensive will always get you disliked. Is that what they aim at? I guess they are so hate-filled that it just bursts out.


Anonymous said...

I call it projection. A lot of atheists get just as offended and defensive when they are told that God doesn't believe in them either.


Anonymous said...

Does anyone know how many atheists are actually in the country?

Bird of Paradise said...

How about a billboard showing CHARLES DARWINand saying DANGEROUS LIAR

Anonymous said...

Charles Darwin was a perfectly honest victorian biologist who reported his scientific conclusions based on his specific scientific findings about the natural diversity he discovered. If it didn't coincide with ancient judeo-christian mythology - tough!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 3:54. You don't know Jack Schitt! Darwin was not a biologist. He was not a scientist of any kind. He was a flunkie that couldn't even make it thru Divinity school.

Anonymous said...

4:25 AM - You would be called a non-entity 'Joke' in any biological classification; whereas Charles Darwin was called a naturalist, and has supreme status in world history! (I guess he saw Divinity School for another joke!)

Anonymous said...

You theists are SO thin-skinned. Why don't you just pray to your god to make the atheists go away? See how well that works.

Dman said...

So... American Athiests find it silly that some people believe something that cannot be proven because *they* believe something that cannot be proven?

Then they don't like that some people advertise what they believe... so they proceed to advertise what *they* believe?


Use the Name, Luke said...

Why? He already says you will go away. I'm actually hoping you don't because you won't enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

why do atheist care what other people believe,,i could not care crap what an atheist believes.

Anonymous said...

@6:37-because theists keep trying to make those of us that don't have an invisible friend live under laws they want enforced because their invisible friend thinks stuff we like is bad.

Secular society=more personal freedom
theocracy=Saudi Arabia (if you're lucky)

Now can we all agree, atheist and theist alike, that we need to stop fighting over stupid crap like abortion and gay rights, and such distracting rubbish and focus on important getting do-less twits off the dole, making corps pay their taxes, replacing our politicians with statesmen, and getting shit rolling around here!

Malcolm Smith said...

This is a really, really bad form of advertising, and they should really get some advice from a professional. The first principle of advertising is to get your potential customers on your side. Exactly how are these billboards expected to encourage believers to doubt, or doubters to go all the way over to unbelief? They are more likely to simply give atheists a bad image.
If I wanted to encourage atheism, I could think of lots of better messages to put up.

Sig said...

It amazes me how an Atheist can publicly claim that Christianity is wrong, and that's considered acceptable, but when a Christian publicly claims that homosexuality is wrong, it's considered hate Speech.

Anonymous said...

@anon 2:32 PM, please explain if an Atheist does not believe in God, on what do you base your morality? In a true Atheistic society, it would be every man for himself, or every man for the good of the community as dictated by the community, which would lead to anyone who disagrees to be considered an outcast.

Your Utopian views cannot hold up in a real society. Only when morality and ethics are founded in something outside of man can Man truly live in peace.

Anonymous said...

2:51 AM : It's ironic that you talk about "real society", as in real society, morality and ethics are either what society's laws dictate (and there are numerous forms of society) or what private individuals or organizations agree upon. There is nothing from outside human society other than in human imagination (which of course is a product of the human mind).
Just to claim there is divine authority to any set of moral injunctions is only by way of controling the credulous populous.

Anonymous said...

sorry for typo - populous should read populace of course.

President Not Sure said...

Anon 3:13: I must have missed all those billboards by Christians and Muslims telling Atheists that "they are going to Hell".

Anonymous said...

I have often read comments by Christians and Muslims saying that non-believers and atheists will go to Hell (whether or not on literal billboards).

Anonymous said...

No problem. But I have to ask the Atheist this: What happens if you are wrong and I am right?

If you are wrong, then you will spend eternity apart from God, punished for your non-belief.

If I am wrong and you are right, what happens? Nothing, really. I have lived a good life in service to others, have enjoyed peace and happiness, and I have endured problems and heartaches. My family, friends, and co-workers respect me, and I have been prosperous.

Anonymous said...

Sig - Good point! Double-standard if I ever saw one!

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:32 pm - Which laws are you talking about?

Personally, I want the laws enforced that say that atheists can't infringe on other's beliefs (See: First Amendment). For example, by suing every time someone has a cross in view, or every time that an official calls for a moment of silence, or horrors, a moment of prayer. Don't want to participate, don't, but don't bar others.

Anonymous said...

"If you are wrong, then you will spend eternity apart from God, punished for your non-belief."

What kind of a god gives man intelligence and then turns around and gets pissed off if they do not bow down to him? So much for a loving god.

I will just select another one of the numerous gods to believe in, not yours. The sun god Ra seems like a good choice.

In the 10 commandments, your god acknowledges that other gods exist. (#3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.)

Kee Bird said...

Well according to legend and history SANTA CLAUS is based on a real man ST NICHOLAS

Anonymous said...

annon 9:38

God does give the intelligence to man but he doesn't make him use it. If you don't open your eyes when walking around your going to get hurt. Don't blame God because you refuse to open your eyes. Where you end up is your choice, not God's. He gave you free will.

Anonymous said...

Yes, like the "free-will" given by a Mafia Boss - either do what he suggests or else be punished. Some choice!

Anonymous said...

6:38 AM Look up "Pascal's Wager" as that is what you seem to be suggesting. said...

Of course they have a constitutional right to their billboard messages.

However, when atheists display inordinate christophobic hate, it makes life a little more miserable for the rest of us.

Example: When I inform Christians that I don't believe in supernatural silliness, they immediate evoke an mental image of an Jesus-bashing, God-hating, obnoxious Madalyn Murray O'hair who posts offensive billboards.

Anonymous said...

9:38 AM said, "What kind of a god gives man intelligence and then turns around and gets pissed off if they do not bow down to him? So much for a loving god."

Um, God does not get pissed off. God is enforcing consequences he established for those who disobey his commands. You, and everyone else, are a free thinker, and have the ability to choose whatever path you choose. Simply put, God gives you a choice, and it is up to you to choose. The choice is given, the results and consequences are presented, and now you choose. It's not rocket science.

9:38 AM said, In the 10 commandments, your god acknowledges that other gods exist. (#3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.)"

The Hebrew text shows that "other gods" refers to the idols and false gods that Mankind turns to in rejection of Jehovah, the One True God.

You are completely free to choose whatever path you want, but you now know the consequences for the wrong decision. So be forewarned. Your future depends on it.

Anonymous said...

This is not a case of censorship and has no place on Tongue Tied. This is counter-speech which is the proper response in a free speech society to speech with which one disagrees.

By making this post, the author is actually engaging in censorious activity.

Anonymous said...

5:34 - I agree!

10:12 - you only prove that the christians you know are just paranoid and beyond reason.

1:15 - you do not, and cannot, know the mind of any proposed god, and you're simply making assertions that you cannot verify, or else everyone in the world would have to agree with you. Oh that's right, your supposed god likes to play hide-and-seek with the only clues in a confused collection of ancient edited literature, over which even christians have argued for centuries and fought bloody wars about them too. Some god you have!

Anonymous said...

Hey 3:59, more of that atheist tolerance of others beliefs, eh?

Why is it hard for atheists to comment on others beliefs without belittling those beliefs?

For example: ...Oh that's right, your supposed god likes to play hide-and-seek with the only clues in a confused collection of ancient edited literature, over which even christians have argued for centuries and fought bloody wars about them too. Some god you have!

Anonymous said...

Thanks 5:49 PM for repeating my point - though I guess that meant you weren't capable of understanding it.
But are you suggesting that so-called christians never belittle atheists and condemn them to eternal torture in Hell with your crocodile tears - or patronizingly saying they will answer on the day of Judgement while arrogantly thinking you (the so-called christians) are "saved" and can simply walk into Paradise without question. Maybe it won't be so easy if Heaven/Paradise is actually reserved for the believers of other religions like muslim martyrs expecting an eternity with virgins!
What a bummer for you to have wasted your whole life believing in Pascal's Wager!

Anonymous said...

@5:36- Yes, this is me slamming Islam. It's every bit as made up foolishness as the rest of them.

Except Scientology. That is the MOST insane pile of made up foolishness ever. To all the theists on here, if you did pick a religion hopefully at least you didn't pick Scientology.