"A Labour council was at the centre of a race row last night after printing a leaflet targeted at Muslims that invoked the name of Allah in urging them to stop littering the streets.
Bradford City Council was accused of inciting racial hatred by publishing leaflets that showed rubbish-strewn pavements – and appeared to place the blame on Muslims.
The pamphlet, titled ‘Be proud of your environment’, used the Koran to lecture them about breaking the law and making a ‘horrible’ mess of the city.
It said: ‘We should respect Allah’s creations and the environments they live in. We should not act with ungratefulness by treating our surroundings with disrespect and throwing litter.’
It was aimed at an area of the city boasting a high concentration of Muslims and which the council says has a problem with messy streets.
Last night, Ian Greenwood, the Labour leader of the council, admitted the idea had been insensitive and said that the leaflets had been withdrawn.
Kind of like after one of those dumb EARTH DAY celebrations where they come to goof around listen to some celeberty who arrives in a gas guzzling 4 MPG limo give some stupid speach walk around dressed as trees,rocks,deer,owls, and such then leaving a moutian of trash DARN OLD LITTER BUGS
"Kind of like after one of those dumb EARTH DAY celebrations
Hey, Mr. Bird, where do you live? I have about a half ton of garbage that I would like to dump in your front yard.
So pointing out that they are violating the teachings of Islam is now off limits. Since muslims don't seem to care about anything else, it would seem to be the only logical thing left to appeal to.
Anon 5:07..........Congrats, spoken like a true EnviroNazi. Maybe now you'll get that promotion to Uberfuhrer.
"Maybe now you'll get that promotion to Uberfuhrer."
That's what I am hoping. Then I can send you and your ilk to re-education camps.
Anon 10:03.......... Sounds like you could have used a plain old education at some point. Probably too late now.
Is 'ungratefulness' the same as 'ingratitude' (apart from one being an actual word and the other just ridiculous)???
England has learned too late the hazards of open borders
Anon @7:01pm,
And pray tell which one do you think is not a word. Once again your ignorance shows.
[uhn-greyt-fuhl] Show IPA
unappreciative; not displaying gratitude; not giving due return or recompense for benefits conferred: ungrateful heirs.
unpleasant; distasteful; repellent: an ungrateful task.
1545–55; un-1 + grateful
Related forms
un·grate·ful·ly, adverb
un·grate·ful·ness, noun "
[in-grat-i-tood, -tyood] Show IPA
the state of being ungrateful; unthankfulness."
On one tv episode "Raymond" said "deepness" rather than "depth". Which is better? Is the former even correct?
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