Since the Iranian government regularly hangs Iranians (particularly homosexual ones), one would think that this poster is fair comment
A Texas restaurant owner is under fire for his refusal to remove a poster that depicts a group of armed men posing underneath a Middle Eastern man being hanged. The black-and-white sign features the caption, “Let’s play cowboys and Iranians!”
John Nonmacher, owner of Nonmacher’s Bar-B-Q in Katy, Texas, said he’s been flooded with angry calls since a customer took a photo of the sign and put it on Facebook earlier this week. Still, he’s not taking it down.
“It’s my choice to have it up. It’s your choice to go where you want to go. But I’m not going to take it down,” Nonmacher told Houston ABC affiliate KTRK-TV.
Nonmacher said he put the poster up 30 years ago during the Iranian hostage crisis and has never had a complaint until now. He said a customer gave it to him and he put it next to several others that were meant to be humorous.
Ayman Wafai didn’t find it funny. He told the station he came in to eat and was disturbed by the poster. “You know it’s 2011, looking at it now, I see nothing really more than a display of racism and bigotry,” he said. “I don’t think something like this should really be accepted by any community.”
And i bet these same crtics dont say a thing about those dirty,smelly,maggot infested OWS doing whatt their doing
So this gentleman, Ayman Wafai, has decided what this community should accept or not accept, after this item being posted for 30+ years with no complaints. Interesting how we are being instructed on what is right or wrong
Whew! I was starting to think there were no real Americans left in Mexas. Did anyone ask Ayman Wafai what a Mooselamb (assuming he is one) is doing in a BBQ place that serves pork?
This is what happens when a nation becomes so weak and gutless that it allows one voice to effect the lives of millions.
Freedom, like pure clean water, is essential to our way of life. Lest we forget what too much water can do.
Ayman Wafai and Bird of Paradise can go fvck themselves.
Is Iranian a race?
What was he hanged for in the first place?
Boo friggin hoo!
Cry me a river...Texas could use the water.
Texas isnt a whimpy place like in SOURTHERN CALIFORNIA and SAN FRANCISCO
Good news everyone! If you're offended by (shooped) pictures of people being hanged, you can eat at some other rib joint!
And if you're willing to lose the business of offended patrons, you can hang up pretty much anything you want in your place of business!
Isn't freedom cool!
I'll be making the drive to Katy for lunch very soon...
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