We read:
"A German company has cancelled a major advertising contract with an Italian-American model after she described her passionate relationship with Muammar Gaddafi's son, Muatassim, and praised his family.
Telecommunications firm Telefonica Germany and its subsidiary, Alice, will stop working with 23-year-old model Vanessa Hessler and remove her face from its website within hours, spokesman Albert Fetsch said today.
"Vanessa Hessler has failed to distance herself from her comments on the conflict in Libya," Mr Fetsch said.
Hessler had been the company's advertising face for years, and giant posters featuring the model were a fixture in many German cities.
Talks between Telefonica and Hessler's agency did not yield a solution because Hessler stood by her comments, said Fetsch. "We and our clients have no comprehension for what she said."
She's free to say what she likes but there is no obligation on anyone to employ her. She's probably a bit of a nit who thinks that the good treatment she got is the way everybody was treated by Gaddafi and his family
Very few of history's villains wake up in the morning asking themselves "How can I be truly evil today?" They are perceived as "evil" because their actions cause more harm than good to the general population, and they don't seem to care. They are generally "nice people" if you are on the "right side" of whatever epic struggle they are engaging in - forced sometimes to adopt brutal tactics to deal with those who do not understand their "unique" place in history or their "mission," whatever that is.
If you met Saddam Hussein, Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, or Qaddafi for dinner, you'd come away saying "What a charming, intelligent, entertaining person I just met."
Of course, when the veneer comes off, and the world does what it must to end these people's brutal regimes, it's better if we just forget that they ARE people, and bury any sympathy. For God's sake, don't point out they were human!
Whats she think now that her beloved MORTAR MOUTHED KODAFFY is dead?
I wonder if he'll be paying her bills now that she's unemployed. Of course, she'll have to first find him, then get his help before the Islamic terrorists, ooops, i mean "rebels" get to him. Perhaps she should be more careful about who she opens her legs for.
Spot on JJR - she can say whatever she likes in support of Gaddaffi.
Telefonica can refuse to use her in their ads.
That said, I am sure most people would say of Gaddaffi (like they say of the mass-murderer next door 'he might be a sociopathic meglomaniac but he was always nice to me.'
I would still do her!
Castro is quite a horror but he regularly charms important visitors
Anon 9:24: Thats the only thing that truly matters.. And I would too..
@9:24 & 5:13-Motion raised, seconded, and passed...
I would hit that like the fist of an angry god. What's her phone number and where's my checkbook? I', old enough to be a sugar daddy...
I don't understand why she should be fired by telling the truth. Real shame. Gaddafi's son was also a handsome guy and it is not surprising that she fell in love with him. He was cruel like his father is a different thing and I know many Libyans also exploited him and made money
@Kee Bird-actually Hitler was a misogynistic, manic depressive, coprophilic,anti-Semite sociopath with an overriding megalomaniacal compulsion. His eating habits and politics are kind of secondary to his MASSIVE levels of batshit insane and an amazing personal charisma.
Just saying...
The 4 key personalities deciding the fate of the world in circa 1943 were all pumped with drugs by private doctors - Hitler, Churchill, Roosevelt & Stalin.
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