As we saw here on 6th., coming to a Mexican-themed party wearing a style of makeup favored by Mexican women produces immediate uproar and all sorts of accusations of prejudice etc. And nobody had to say a word for those accusations to fly.
So what happens when a Jewish man in a big hat not only has racial abuse hurled at him but he gets physically assaulted and his property stolen?
It happened last October in Australia. And the police have only just now got around to laying any charges against anyone. And that despite the fact that a policeman was driving the bus on which the thugs were travelling and that there were heaps of witnesses. Even then it seems clear that the police would not have been prodded into action except for pursuit of the matter by Australia's Murdoch press (Yes. The same Murdoch who set up Fox News).
Details here. At least orthodox Jews so far feel free to wear their hats and caps in public in Australia -- unlike France. It should be noted that it was intervention by outraged Australian bystanders that enabled Mr Vorchheimer's attackers to be caught. The police (as usual) were no help.