Hate Speech from Hillary?
The Hildabeest recently said: "If anybody tells you there is no vast right-wing conspiracy, tell them that New Hampshire has proven it in court. We have the -- we have the facts, and we're going to make that a crime"
She was apparently referring to convictions of three Republican Party members in New Hampshire for phone jamming during the 2002 Federal election. But do minor criminal acts by three individual party members (none of whom were candidates for public elective office) constitute a "vast right-wing conspiracy"? She sure has a funny definition of "vast"!
Hannity has called what she said "hate speech" -- and stigmatizing a large group of people as the result of misdeeds by a few would seem to be just the sort of thing that IS normally called hate-speech. But only conservatives and Christians can be guilty of hate-speech, as we know.
And WHAT is it that she is going to make a crime? What the three GOPers did is already a proven crime so that cannot be it. Is any "conspiracy" among conservatives to be a crime? It seems so. But how do you define conspiracy? At law, any two people acting together can be a conspiracy. And the Hildabeest has pointed to actions by just three people as an example of what she means. So are all agreements by three or more conservatives to take any form of combined action to be outlawed? That sure sounds like heaven for Democrats! It seems that she was both uttering hate speech herself and proposing Draconian restrictions on free speech.
The Leftist Media Matters has the details and does its best to put an acceptable face on the incident. They don't go anywhere near that word "vast", though. I would have thought that "minor" would be the most accurate adjective.
And I suppose it is just WRONG for me to mention that according to the most comprehensive and authoritative study ever conducted of the 2004 Federal election "...paid Democrat operatives were far more involved in voter intimidation and suppression activities than were their Republican counterparts during the 2004 presidential election." Are vast Left-wing conspiracies to be outlawed too? I guess not.