Very wicked to criticize use of the word "gay". I must check whether homosexuals remain gay when they get AIDS
We read:
"Open Air Outreach ministries was back in action in the "free-speech zone" of the Texas Tech campus Friday. Jesse Morrell, an evangelist with the ministry, said his purpose at Tech is to tell students what the Bible teaches. Some students said they felt he was preaching hate.
"Homosexuals hijacked the word 'gay,' they hijacked the rainbow," Morrell said. "I think 'gay' is an offensive word to God. I'll call them sodomites or queers, I even prefer the word 'homo' over the word 'gay' - at least it's not as offensive as 'gay.'" ...
Court records of the Supreme Court's decision in Cohen v. California state speech that is merely offensive is protected under the First Amendment.
Micheal Gunn, assistant director of Student Activities, said university policies and their enforcement is the responsibility of the Tech community as a whole. ... After listening to audio recordings of Morell's speech, Gunn said he considered some of Morrell's statements to be "hate speech." He said Morrell could have been relocated or escorted off-campus if someone informed the office, which would have been enabled to assess the situation.