Monday, March 19, 2007

OK to Offend Southerners

To many Southerners the Confederate flag is a memorial to the brave men among their ancestors who fought to defend their hearths and homes against Northern tyranny. Even Abraham Lincoln in his famous Gettysburg address did not refer to the war as fought in the name of ending slavery. And one assumes that even Southerners can be allowed to have feelings. But their feelings don't count, apparently -- unless they are black or homosexual of course:

"TALLAHASSEE, Fla. - A Confederate flag hanging from a noose on a 13-foot gallows will remain on display despite protests from the Sons of Confederate Veterans, who call it an affront to Southern heritage.

"The Proper Way to Hang a Confederate Flag" by black artist John Sims is "offensive, objectionable and tasteless," Robert Hurst, commander of the local camp of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, said Friday.

But the Mary Brogan Museum of Art and Science said it stands by Sims' work, part of a larger exhibit called "AfroProvocations," because it wants to inspire dialogue..."


Yes. Insulting people IS the Leftist idea of dialogue.