Monday, June 10, 2019

Snowflake teachers in Britain

When I was a kid we had derogatory names for most of our teachers:  "Deadbeat", "Blood Pressure" etc.

A secondary school head teacher has demanded police investigate an Instagram account that was set up to abuse his staff. Jonathan Osborn called on Essex Police to probe whether the Instagram account mocking teachers at King Edmund School constitutes a hate crime.

The account had 300 followers before it was deleted and has been branded a 'personal attack' on staff at the Rochford academy.  

A source close to the school said: 'Students created an Instagram page dedicated to mocking staff through posts.

'More than 300 individuals were following the page before it was taken down.

'Some posts suggested inappropriate behaviour from teachers, while others were poking fun at the authoritative nature of others.

'The school has taken the view that this is a personal attack on the school and its staff.'

Essex Police confirmed they are investigating the allegations.



Anonymous said...

It seems that the teachers are not competent to deal with children.

Anonymous said...

All those Brits that still own knives and THIS is what Scotland Yard is investigating???

Anonymous said...

most of the offenders will be white and nominally Christian, so it will be easy to criminalise them without any objevtions from the socialist professional haters of the left.if it were a black organisation it would be left alone as senior officers fear being labelled bigoted.

Stan B said...

Wait - a "hate crime" isn't personal. It is motivated by one's hatred in a "protected class" and directed against a person for no other reason than membership in that class. So for the headmaster to take it "personally" undermines his claim to the police that it might be a "hate crime," doesn't it?