Monday, June 24, 2019

Apple News Rejects Actual Science, Disables The Western Journal’s Account for Daring To Question Popular Scientists’ Points of View

Last week, The Western Journal received notice that it was being banned from Apple News.

Apple News delivers news products to readers through their Apple iPhones, iPads, Macs and other devices.

Apple’s selection of publishers includes mainstream media sites like CNN, the BBC and The Wall Street Journal. Apple News also includes uber-left publications like Vox.

But despite permitting sites like CNN and Vox, Apple chose to ban The Western Journal.

When we heard that we’d been kicked off the platform, we reached out to Apple and asked why it had taken this action, given that The Western Journal had been included among Apple News’ publishers for years.

“Your channel has been disabled, and your content has been removed from Apple News,” Apple told us. “Your channel didn’t comply with our Apple News guidelines: Content advocates views overwhelmingly rejected by the scientific community.”


1 comment:

Bird of Paradise said...

Climate Change/Global Warming the biggist scam in the entire history of all mankind