Saturday, May 26, 2012

Obama’s America: EPA Officials Visit Man For Sending Email

An attempt to intimidate free speech
About a month ago, EPA regional official Al Armendariz made news when a YouTube video of him describing the way the agency handles oil and gas companies surfaced. In it, Armendariz said an analogy he liked to use about enforcement was how the Romans used crucifixion to keep smaller towns and villages under their thumb. Since then, Armendariz has resigned his post at the EPA. Case closed, right? Wrong.

A local North Carolina man named Larry Keller didn’t particularly like the analogy that Al Armendariz used, so, along with thousands of others assumably, he set about to contact Mr. Armendariz to discuss his views on the oil and gas industries. One of our basic rights and privileges in a free society is to be able to petition our government for a redress of grievances without fear of repercussion from said government simply for voicing our grievance.

Keller proceeded to try and contact Mr. Armendariz by Googling him. His domain was a subset of Southern Methodist University, he was directed to contact a Dr. David Gray who is the Director of External Affairs for the EPA. Keller wrote a simple, one sentence email to Dr. Gray which said simply, “Hello Mr. Gray-Do you have Mr. Armendariz’s contact information so we can say hello?”

On May 2nd, just a little over a week after the Armendariz crucify comments had flared up, two special agents from the EPA and a local police officer showed up at Mr. Keller’s home. Here is the story in his own words:
On Wednesday, May 02, 2012 at about 1:45PM two Special Agents from the EPA and an armed police officer who stood 6’6” tall visited our house in Asheville, NC. Their visit was a total surprise as we had not received any communications requesting an appointment. The agents presented very official looking badges and asked if we could sit and chat awhile. We moved to the back porch and took our seats with the exception of the armed officer who stood by the door to the house the entire time.

Keller was asked by the agents if he ran a business out of his home, and if so, what kind of business. Keller runs a consulting business from his home. Then he was asked if he had ever sent an email to anyone at the EPA. Keller, not remembering the email initially said no, then remembered his email to Dr. Gray trying to get the contact information for Al Armendariz. This is what happened next:
At this point Agent Woods reach into a file and from it he pulled out a copy of my email to Dr. Gray. He handed it to me and I asked what was there about the content that justified their driving across the state of NC to visit me with no prior warning. The other agent then stated that my choice of words in the email could be interpreted in many ways. At that point I asked them to be specific as they were wasting my time. I stated that I pay for agents’ salaries and that of the police officer and they have bigger fish to fry. Special Agent Woods then asked if I had ever been arrested – the answer was a swift no. I then asked for a copy of the email they presented and they said that was impossible as the investigation was not yet complete.

Keller asked the agents for business cards that they had previously promised him and they were miraculously out of business cards. The two agents, who had driven four hours from Raleigh, North Carolina for this encounter with Mr. Keller, left via the back staircase as quickly as they had appeared without supplying Larry Keller with their contact information. He also states that the agents had parked blocking his driveway and that the local police officer had parked in his neighbor’s driveway.

Larry Keller was interviewed by Pete Kaliner, a local conservative radio host about the incident. You can listen to the interview here. I heard today on Kaliner’s show that Keller has hooked up with the John Locke Foundation to pursue the incident further. I’ll keep you updated as soon as more information becomes available.

Is this really the America that we live in now? A concerned citizen tries to contact a government official over statements that he made in public and the next thing you know armed agents show up at his home?



Anonymous said...

And some posters here think Europe/Britain is worse re personal rights and treatment by the police and other bureaucratic authorities! (So much for the much vaunted US Constitution!)

Bird of Paradise said...

Time to totaly abolish the EPA and the rest of the goverment buracracies

Anonymous said...

Freedom isn't passed down in the blood. It requires eternal vigilance. The Constitution is just a piece of paper, it requires men to follow and revere it for it to have any meaning.

Go Away Bird said...

Your 100% correct about that one annon 2:58

A. Levy said...

And we thought the Gestapo was dead and buried? Well, perhaps they are, but their tactics are obviously alive and well, and in practice.

The EPA is a greater threat to our freedom and liberty than Al-Qaeda is. And, the only reason they can do that is because we've become a nation of weak, gullible, sheep who now live in fear of an agency that is part of what used to be their govt.

If we had a branch of govt. who's responsibility was to represent the people, perhaps they would control this agency, which is clearly out of control. But alas, we apparently have no such govt. branch. Sheep without a shepherd.

Anonymous said...

anon 1:49

You know, in the US you don't have to talk to these dick heads. You can either ignore them, or answer the door and tell them to go fuck themselves and get off your property. Unless they have a warrant, they can't do anything about it. And if they do have a warrant, expect 12 guys in black with MP5's to kick your door down.

Anonymous said...

the Big Bro, Uncle Sambo way

Kee Bird said...

Hitler to was into enviromentalism,new age musicism and GAIA worship

FuzzyRider said...

I can forsee the argument coming...

Anyone that wants to be free must be a RACIST!

Kee Bird said...

Hitler was also a VEGAN as well annon 1:36

Anonymous said...

Me: Hello

EPA: Can we talk to you about your e-mail?

Me: Do you have a warrant?

EPA: No!

Me: SLAM! (My best impression of a door)