Atheists Threaten Lawsuit Over ‘Unconstitutional’ RI Firehouse Cross & WWI Monument

We read:
"Atheist activists are at it again. This time, the target of secular angst is a cross that appears in front of a firehouse in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), a well-known atheist group, is threatening to sue the city if the religious symbol isn’t removed.
The Christian cross, part of a World War I memorial that was built in Woonsocket back in 1921, is causing a great deal of angst among secularists who stand firmly opposed to its presence on public property. Taking on even more significance beyond WWI, the monument was re-dedicated back in 1952 to honor three fallen WWII soldiers who lived in the area and has since been a public statement of remembrance.
“It’s illegal, and we know that. And just because its been there for 90-something years, doesn’t make it right.” Debbie Flitman, a local and member of the FFRF, told ABC6. “If they want to have a religious symbol on it, well go ahead, just not on city property.”
So far, Mayor Fontaine has no intention of moving the cross. This is the second major atheist case to hit Rhode Island over the past few months, following a debate over a prayer mural at a local high school in Cranston.
Unless the FFRF can prove that the relatives of those who were memorialized in that fashion objected to the cross being made a part of the monument at the time it was built they should have no right to demand the memorial be altered today.
It's simple. Create a deed for the land occupied by the exact dimensions of the monument (not the yard, or the sidewalk, just the base of the offending object) and sell it for 1$ to the local VFW hall or other private organization. The Cross is no longer on "public" land, and the FFRF loses standing to object.
The FFRF needs to have its tax exempt status revoked totaly revoked
Sometimes, going back to the "old ways" is best, even though they may not be considered politically correct. In this case, the old way i refer to is, burning atheists at the stake.
Yes, many years ago, atheists, and other vermin, were burned at the stake, usually in the town square. It was an activity that brought neighbors together, produced jobs, was highly cost-effective, was eco-friendly, didn't waste the resources of the courts with irrelevant nonsense, and was enjoyed by all. Well, most anyway.
Since Obummer and his Marxist administration have taken over, we find ourselves infested by radical elements of the far-left, such as atheists. It's time the American people picked up a giant can of bug spray and sent them all scurrying back into the woodwork. Or, better yet, get some kindling, a match, and some popcorn.
"The FFRF needs to have its tax exempt status revoked totaly revoked"
I agree. And while you at it, all religious entities need to have their tax exempt status revoked totaly revoked.
Perfect Stan B. Well said.
Are not the atheists winning simply because we are giving them the attention they crave?
This is a war memorial.
I see it as little different to a grave marker. If the fallen were Christian and would choose the cross as a grave marker - no problem (there are crosses all over Arlington for example). If not, it certainly gets more complicated.
Besides, what other symbol so readily identifies a memorial for the dead?
How about demanding the removal of that CHE statue in CENTRAL PARK
"ffrf be upset if it was a star and crescent symbol and a mooseslime prayer?"
The FFRF just paid a school kid $1000 because the school kid dressed up as Jesus for an event at school. If I were the lawyer for the city on this case I would have that little fact in front of the judge post-haste because it undermines their argument. They cannot reward someone for religious symbolism in the public space even to mock it as they did and at the same time expect everyone else to remove their religious symbols from the public view.
Have you noticed that the weaker the people get, the stronger (and louder) all these leftist fringe groups get? Weakness begets aggression.
And as always with bullies they pick on the weaker
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