Burger King Offends Hindus

We read:
"Hindus have asked Burger King Corporation to publicly apologize and immediately withdraw a poster seen in Spain, which shows Hindu goddess Lakshmi promoting a meat sandwich, which they termed repugnant.
Acclaimed Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that it was highly disturbing to see goddess Lakshmi, who is highly revered in Hinduism, modeling for a meat sandwich as shown. Lakshmi was meant to be worshipped in temples or home shrines and not for pushing meat sandwiches in the streets for mercantile greed of a global corporation.
Rajan Zed pointed out that Hinduism promoted strict vegetarianism insisting on ahimsa (not harming living creatures) and non-killing, and renouncing animal slaughter and meat eating. It suggested taking of sattvik (vegetables, fruits, etc.) and avoiding rajasik (eggs, etc.) and tamasik (meat, intoxicants, etc.) foods.
Hindu religions might seem wacky to us but try to explain the Christian triune God to a Hindu and he will think that you are the crazy one. Odd though Hindu devotions may seem to us, they are nonetheless often deeply felt.
For an American Hindu organization to complain about an advertisement in Spain smacks of publicity-seeking, however. I guess that they have learned American ways and found that getting "offended" a lot can have payoffs of various sorts
"Where's the Beef?"
Anonymous 12:39,
Wrong franchise slogan ;-)
Personally, I don't see a problem in asking BK to stop using the likeness. If it offends you, you have the right to speak up.
BK then has the right to ignore the request and risk losing a portion of their customer base, or stand firm and take a chance on not losing anyone.
As for complaint coming from the US, I agree with Jon. It smacks of opportunism from someone who is actively looking to be offended.
Quite true Jon. Being "offended" has become a new (and major) industry in America.
Having said that, the religious beliefs of Hindus deserve as much respect as any other religious beliefs. That is of course, if you assume any religions, other than Islam, are still respected.
Message To Burger King: DUMB, REALLY, REALLY, DUMB!
Is Bird of Paradise a closet Islamist?
Looks more like a cynical tactic of BK to get extra publicity, but a cowardly one not to use a picture of Muhammed instead!
at Bank of America
Isn't celery a living thing?
Humans must learn to live by photosynthesis!
I like gummy bears.
What flavor annon 1:22?
Green of course (lime).
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