Thursday, May 31, 2012

Arrested for Blogging in Maryland

We read:
"Yesterday, blogger Aaron Walker, aka “Aaron Worthing,” was arrested for his blogging critical of Brett Kimberlin, a convicted domestic terrorist known as the “Speedway Bomber” who has become a progressive activist. 

As detailed by David Hogberg and Patterico and here, Kimberlin was able to convince a technologically illiterate judge that Walker’s blogging was incitement and violated a “peace order” Kimberlin had previously obtained against Walker. 

Unless there are additional, as-yet-undisclosed reasons for Walker’s arrest, it was blatantly unconstitutional, as Eugene Volokh explains here. 

Walker was released late yesterday afternoon, but an equally unconstitutional order barring him from, among other things, blogging about Kimberlin for the next six months further remains in effect.

Many of those commenting on these events have cast the dispute in ideological terms, as Walker is a conservative blogger and Kimberlin is a progressive activist. 

Yet, as Popehat explains, the real issue here is the threat to free speech that Kimberlin’s tactics represent — a threat that should be of concern without regard to the ideological orientation of the participants.

  (See the original for links)


Bird of Paradise said...


Anonymous said...

I hope somebody "does" what I am "thinking".

Anonymous said...

Well, if you stop to realize that in the Peoples Republic of Maryland, free speech is restricted to leftists only, you will then understand this ruling. And, if you have the misfortune to live there, and you want to cling to the tiny bits of liberty we still have, you might want to start packing your bags.

Anonymous said...

Funny how posters here criticize whole countries for faults of some groups or individuals, but when the same faults concern their own country the blame is then confined to certain US states, or even down to certain cities. Why not just heap all your projected blame onto your next-door neighbors (I'm sure they're horrible people who are destined for Hell-fire!)

stinky said...

Anon 3:26, oh go kiss the mirror already; you know you wanna.

As for the criticism being more detailed where commenters have more detailed knowledge of a situation ... wull, duh.

Anonymous said...

this will be sorted out by less ignorant people soon enough. it must go through these stages first.

Anonymous said...

Stinky daren't look in the mirror!