We read:
"H.K. Edgerton is a former NAACP chapter president who considers himself both a dyed-in-the-wool southerner and a staunch supporter of the Confederate flag
The former civil rights activist is set to speak tonight in support of the Son's of Confederate Veterans in Lexington, Virginia. He has agreed to speak because he wants to ensure Confederate flags will be allowed to fly on Lexington city poles.
Lexington outlawed the display of anything other than state or federal flags on city poles after outrage this past January when Confederate Flags were raised to celebrate Lee Jackson day.
Despite the fact that he is the former Asheville, North Carolina NAACP president, Edgerton argues that the flag is not a symbol of hatred, but rather represents the South and Christianity. Other, negative uses of the flag are the result of it being "hijacked," according to Edgerton.
In defense of his past activism supporting the Confederate flag and his planned appearances today in Lexington, Edgerton said to WSLS-10 News: "What is it that you people keep trying to make our flag out to be, this evil thing, this evil symbol, this evil presence."
Well, well, well, how very refreshing. An honest black man who not only isn't controlled by the Left and it's "laws" of political correctness, but also a Southerner who isn't afraid to be proud of it. It would be interesting to follow this case to see what price Mr. Edgerton is made to pay by the Left and all the usual, professional, black race-pimps.
Who knows. If this keeps up, and with people like Mr. Edgerton speaking up, we just might be a free country again someday.
This man should be running for office. Come recruit him Tea Party.
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