Monday, August 09, 2010

The racism of anti-racists

We read:
"One of the recurring arguments I hear from those who accuse conservatives of being insensitive to the travails of the underclass, whether black or Latino, is that many of those communities are filled with people so unable to take responsibility for their own lives that “we had better learn we have to take care of them or they are going to start a revolution to take us all down.”

I am astounded that this thinking doesn’t register as incredibly condescending and even racist … in the sense that it ascribes no intelligence, talent or ambition to those with whom they purport to empathize. One of George W. Bush’s speechwriters came up with the phrase “the soft bigotry of low expectations.” How accurate and telling it is!


"Affirmative action" comes from the same mentality. Only a Leftist would think that you end discrimination by discriminating.

In truth they DON'T want to end discrimination. They feed on it. When opponents of discrimination oppose affirmative action, that enables the Left to pose as the friend of minorities and yields a rich harvest of black votes.


Anon80301 said...

"When opponents of discrimination oppose affirmative action, that enables the Left to pose as the friend of minorities and yields a rich harvest of black votes."

Works pretty good, doesn't it? So, either you rightists can continue to moan and complain, or you can do something about it. I expect the former to happen.

Bobby said...

I'd rather not get the black vote than get it by catering to the black community. The GOP is for people who care about freedom, not special rights. Affirmative-action is a special right.

Anonymous said...

Affirmative action is simply another slave-drug fed to blacks by bleeding-heart liberals. It's one of many ways the left controls them. All government hand-out programs are created by Demoncrats, and they're all aimed at the same group, although they've added the illegals to their "army of the needy". (see: potential votes)

As for blacks being irresponsible, generally speaking that's true. They've been taught they don't need to earn anything so long as Demoncrats and guilt-ridden liberals are there to hand it to them. It's why most blacks don't marry. They just go around creating more blacks, which = more govt. checks.

"we had better learn we have to take care of them or they are going to start a revolution to take us all down.

If they did start a revolution, we would really "take care of them", once and for all. Blacks make up only about 13% of Americas population, in spite of the fact that they act like, and make you think, it's more like 90%. They might start it, but it wouldn't last very long.

"Beware of those who cry racism, for they are the true racists"

Anonymous said...

Paternalism has always been a form of racism - however justified it might sometimes be.

Anonymous said...

Remember, no matter what world we live in, a (fact) can not be racist, nor can a fact be anti-semitic.

Anonymous said...

that's the rub - what might be facts are just disputed as being "facts" if not liked.

Anonymous said...
