Thursday, May 31, 2007

Must not Mention that Some Blacks were Cannibals

Particularly if you use an actual black name to add realism:

"A Canadian organization that promotes multiculturalism is filing a complaint with the federal human rights commission over an animated Internet video depicting an African cannibal dubbed Kunta Kinte who is seen cooking a stew whose main ingredient is two white people.

The race-relations group Quebec Pluriel served legal notice April 18 to the company that made the cartoon, Salambo Productions, and the show's broadcast partner Bell Canada, to stop showing the video and apologize.

Since Salambo refused to remove the show from the Web site and apologize, Quebec Pluriel said Thursday that it intends to file a complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission.


Some people might get the absurd idea that whites had a civilizing influence. Everybody should be free to eat what they want! As long as it does not make them fat, of course.