Censorship in Finland
The authorities in Finland are trying to shut down bloggers who are critical of Islam. Apparently that is "hate speech". As one of the bloggers concerned says:
"The main point that I have been trying to make in my blog is that the Muslims ARE fascists who want to kill Jews, atheists, homosexuals, etc. Trying to prosecute me for saying that Islam is a totalitarian ideology is like trying to sue someone for saying Hitler was a Nazi."
More here, here and here. (Site is a bit slow-loading)
The Finns stood up resolutely to the Soviet beast in WW2 but they now appear to have gone so soft that the Jihadists have got them bluffed. In the postwar era, they did however use a lot of appeasement to survive being right next door to the Russian bear. Hence the word "Finlandization" for fearful co-operation. So I guess that what they are doing now is in character.