Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Twitter User Says Dana Loesch’s Kids Need to be ‘Murdered,’ Social Giant Says ‘No Violation’

Stalin lives!  From the French revolution on, human lives have never mattered to Leftists

Advocating murder has become an acceptable form of speech, Twitter has ruled — at least when the target of invective is the family of National Rifle Association spokeswoman Dana Loesch.

On Sunday, a Twitter user responded to Loesch as she was trying to discuss the Florida shooting online with other Twitter users.

“The only way these people learn is if it affects them directly. So if Dana Loesch has to have her children murdered before she’ll understand, I guess that’s what needs to happen,” Loesch posted in a screenshot of the comment she received.

At a time when Twitter and other social media giants have been tightening the screws on what they allow from websites such as Infowars, Loesch appealed to Twitter for a ruling to punish the user.

Twitter sided with Loesch’s critic.  “We have reviewed your report carefully and found that there was no violation of the Twitter Rules against abusive behavior,” it wrote, according to the screenshot Loesch posted.

Loesch then drew the only possible conclusion: Fair is only fair when the threats align with Twitter’s politics.



Bird of Paradise said...

If threateing to murder the children of someone who don't and carry the line for the left it all right in their rules then its all right if we quit using their web sites

Anonymous said...

The outrage people expressed has made Twitter change their mind in this one but their hypocrisy is already quite evident.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is a direct threat. I think it is merely a comment on what would have to happen for her opinion to change.
Since all of us here are fully in support of free speech we will, no doubt, applaud Twitter's new robust commitment to free speech.