Friday, September 14, 2012

Here's The Video That Sparked Muslim Mayhem And Murder in Libya and in Egypt

Agree or disagree with the content of this video, it is still a legitimate exercise of a fundamental human right -- a right that is antithetical to Islam.

The acting, dialogue, and production are awful -- but there is nothing there that justifies riots and murders. Nor is there anything there that our political leaders should not have unambiguously defended as fully in keeping with the true values of America contained in the Bill of Rights.


More background here A trailer of the video dubbed into Arabic has apparently been much viewed in Arab lands and led fairly rapidly to the riots.  The producer of the movie is understandably lying low.


Bird of Paradise said...

Another BIN LADEN in the making

A. Levy said...

The video was simply a diversion to cover what was clearly an Al-Qaeda attack on the embassy. And, seeing how it so confused the elected lying crooks who run America, and seeing how the response from the Muslim-in-Chief at the WH was a study in weakness, (how typical) you can bet that it will happen again, and very soon.

Anonymous said...

Liberals forcing others to accept mental illness and denial of reality.

Anonymous said...

Is this film a comedy? It reminds me of blazing saddles meets the blair witch project meets Ray Stevens Ahab the Arab. If anyone should be enraged it is real film makers.

Anonymous said...

Any excuse for a murderous riot!

Anonymous said...

So the nanny state nazis in NYC banned sugared sodas over 16 oz today.

Anonymous said...

Religion wrecks everything.

Anonymous said...

Blinded by belief.

Go Away Bird said...

Atheism wrecks everything

Anonymous said...

"People are the problem."
- Douglas Adams

Anonymous said...

3:36, hmmmm then how did America become such a great country?

Use the Name, Luke said...

Blinded by belief.

What a perfect demonstration of the problem with bumper sticker thinking. The classic definition of knowledge (from Plato) is "justified true belief." Knowledge is not possible without belief. (If you don't believe something, you don't know it.)

Anonymous said...

Belief does not require proof.

Old Skeptic said...

Has anyone seen more than the trailer? Is there more than the trailer? Who is the real creator of the trailer and if it exists, the movie? Lots of questions very few answers about this whole thing.

Old Skeptic said...

Has anyone seen more than the trailer? Is there more than the trailer? Who is the real creator of the trailer and if it exists, the movie? Lots of questions very few answers about this whole thing.

Use the Name, Luke said...

Belief does not require proof.

That may be, but knowledge requires proper justification (proof), belief, and accordance of that belief with reality (it must be true). If you remove belief, knowledge is not possible.

Since knowledge is a subset of belief (and knowledge is entirely within belief), "Blinded by belief" would necessarily include "blinded by knowledge." By attacking belief, you also attack knowledge.

Furthermore, it is possible for belief without proper justification to still be true, you just can't call it knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Actually, what's going on in the middle east has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with Islam's desire to dominate the world using Sharia Law. Sharia is not religious, but political. Islam is not a religion. It is a cult. No true religion known to man orders it's followers to kill all non-believers. That is a cult.

Anonymous said...

"Furthermore, it is possible for belief without proper justification to still be true, you just can't call it knowledge."

God fits right in there.

Anonymous said...

Luke again plays with words like "belief" and knowledge". Religious types like doing that because they can manipulate their confused audience. Religion is full of vague verbosity pretending to reveal "truth" (another word much abused by religion).

Use the Name, Luke said...

The recognition of knowledge as "justified true belief" goes all the way back to Plato (who was definitely not a Christian).

Justified True Belief

Just basic philosophy/careful thinking. Nothing tricky about it.

Anonymous said...

If an American consulate had been attacked and four Americans including the ambassador slaughtered on George W. Bush's watch --on a 9/11, no less-- the outrage broadcast over the nation's elite media would have been intense immediate and round-the-clock.

Anonymous said...

I guess the movie was sooo bad they had to kill someone to get their point across.

Anonymous said...

@anon 335, Most religious scholars have cult defined as a small group with normally a single charismatic living leader. Most commonly this is a subsection of a larger religious philosophy. (You could probably argue that Islam started as a Jewish cult, since many tenets were given authority based off of Abraham traditions). After the leader passes the religion is often a sect of a larger religion, much like Christianity was merely a Jewish sect for a very long time. After a threshold is crossed in size and difference in philosophies the sect is considered a religion. Islam is definitely a religion, but one that is easily twisted or arguably faithfully followed for objectively evil ends.

Anonymous said...

today's oxymoron: "religious scholars"

Anonymous said...

Being a religious scholar is like being a Harry Potter scholar.

Anonymous said...

Religious scholar is one that studies religions. That doesn’t necessarily mean they have to subscribe to the philosophies or personally believe the supernatural tenants of the subject matter they research. Anon 251 and 500 are merely bigoted and ignorant trolls, as close minded to academic pursuits as the most radical backwoods evangelical luddite.

Anonymous said...

"Religious scholar is one that studies religions."

What a complete waste of time. We would be better off if they studied cures for cancer instead of the paranormal.

terrence said...

It is now clear that the film was NOT the cause of the latest rioting by these barbaric "religion of peace" savages. The "Lame-stream-media" like this narrative, so they FLOG IT.

The US embassy was told FOUR days before the attack to be prepared for violence directed at the embassy, and they did NOTHING.

Anonymous said...

atheists have killed far more because of religious belief than any religion ever has.