An offensive Muppet?
The Swedish chef character in the Muppets speaks mock-Swedish, not real Swedish

Swedes living outside of Sweden don’t always take kindly to comments about the chef however, with some people not understanding that the character is just speaking untranslatable nonsense.
“When Swedes go abroad, they become zealous protectors of the Swedish brand,” Michael Moynihan, an American married to a Swede told Slate.
“Something as insignificant as the Swedish Chef is like a slap in the face.”
The cookie monster is my favorite
So stop whining about people who mock Americans!
I would certainly mock your own ability to spell and punctuate if you (Bird of Paradise) are a product of the USA's educational system, as you appear to be.
Well, it doesn't really amaze me, as I hear from the GOP that 1 in 6 Americans live in poverty, and yet Romney says America is the richest country in the world!
Great, now I have to have shame for being 50% Swedish, but I already did because they are socialist twats.
American demonkat politicans won't be happy until 9 in 10 Americans live in poverty, as long as they get to be Big Brother. But "American poverty" is a sweet deal, with your own home, car, flat screen HDTV, cable modem, computer, all the food you can eat, and a check from the government each month!
1 in 6 Americans live in poverty, and yet Romney says America is the richest country in the world!
If you compare American "poverty" to the rest of the world, it ain't poverty.
Luke, where did you buy your rose colored glasses?
Annon 12:06 from the same place luke got his liberalism U.C. BERKELY
10:08 AM obviously hasn't traveled much around the real USA, or those terms are defined in an extremely loose way .
You liberals are total idiots. You clearly have no idea what real poverty is. This:
Children in Poverty
Poverty in India
You don't see that kind of poverty in America. Period. There are some homeless people, but I know from trying to help a friend that most who are homeless are in that situation because they refuse to take responsibility for their lives, and often even refuse help. Even then they have access to clean water, safe edible food, and shelter on most days.
Most Americans who are classified as "poor" have regular, constructed housing, running water, plenty of food (some are even obese), and access to decent health care. Most have televisions, computers, and air-conditioning, and many even own a car. Almost everyone can read and write.
To compare this to real, grinding, dying of starvation, inescapable, no clean water because there's no sewage system poverty is both willfully blind and highly offensive. Pull your head out of your echo chamber and take a look around the world.
You FAIL to mention relative economies.
@7:14 - Spoken like a true marxist/socialist.
7:49, Oooo, you have me shaking in my boots. LOL
Never mind. Talking to a conservative is like talking to a chair. Nothing there.
Annon 7:14 Marxist/Socialists/Communists/Liberal/Demacrat
I guess Swedes are really sensitive. Maybe their government should buy stock in Midol so their crotch ache isn’t so pronounced.
I graduated from HIGH SCHOOL before all this PC revionists history was inserted by the leftists NEA
You FAIL to mention relative economies.
The "poor" in this country do so well because of our economy. That's why "spreading the wealth around" is such a horrible idea. All it would do is destroy the health of our economy, sending the poor into real poverty.
Luke compares the USA with the poverty of India and thinks that makes the USA look good!!
And Luke mentions obesity in the US as if it was indicative of being well-fed. It's actually one of the indicators of deprivation &/or poor education, where there is an ignorance of a proper balanced diet for themselves or their children, and a reliance on poor quality or cheap carbs and fatty foods of the wrong type.
And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.
Nothing much that Jesus is said to have said is followed by so-called Christians, and often quite the opposite.
Talk about Not. Getting. It!
Where did Jesus say that government should take care of the poor? C'mon! Chapter and verse. You claim to be so smart. This should be easy for you. Chapter. And. Verse. And no, that "rich man" sentence does not say the same thing in context as you think it does.
Every time and every place in history where your idiotic ideas have been tried, the poor (and everybody else) wound up far worse off! (It's why the poor in India are so poor!) And yet you want to do it again!
One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Yet here you are.
Got ya all worked up eh? LOL
Bible verses are in context with Luke only when it suits his arguments. He just loves picking cherries.
12:06, over half our poor are overweight. They're better off than 90pct of the world's population.
Yep, any quoted verse from the OT or NT and Luke will say it depends on interpretation - SURE DOES!
Every written and spoken sentence has a context. Abusive/invalid quoting is removing particular words from their context so that they sound like the author/speaker is saying something very different than what they actually said.
But then you know this, because you deliberately do this All The Freakin' Time.
Yet despite all the illogical ad hominem attacks against me, NOT ONE single verse has been quoted showing that having government take care of the poor is biblical. Big surprise. NOT! It's because there are no such verses. Plenty of passages about taking care of the poor personally and voluntarily, but none about that being the government's role.
As usual, the leftist arguments are nothing but smoke and mirrors with no actual substance.
Luke, you seriously can't think that the lifetstyle Jesus proposed is very applicable to 21st century America - ? Abandon your family - give up all possessions - care not for tomorrow - etc. etc. Jesus was clearly expecting the end of the world very soon, and so were the early Christians for a good while, until they had to re-evaluate their position and re-formulate their beliefs.
However, end-of-world cults and beliefs have continued to thrive even after 2000 years and with the same vague predictions - "rumors of wars, etc." like wars and earthquakes, etc. haven't always been part of human experience. And even this year has been highlighted as the end of the world, with more sci-fi events to reflect contemporary culture.
Jesus also said you should abandon your family, and care nothing for the morrow, etc. Clearly he was expecting the end of the world very soon. The early Christians also expected that, but eventually the "Church" settled down to a longer stretch on Earth, albeit end-of-world cults have been frequently arising ever since, and even this year is supposed to be the end of the world with Armageddon and a sci-fi type "Rapture".
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