Sunday, September 05, 2010

Muslim community launches TV campaign to fight hate speech

We read:
"A Muslim group is speaking out against the backlash against plans to build an Islamic community center a few blocks from ground zero in New York. They say it’s spawned a lot of hate speech against Muslims in general. They’re hoping a new series of TV public service announcements will help. The Los Angeles chapter of the Council in American-Islamic Relations — or CAIR — unveiled those PSA’s in Anaheim yesterday.

The PSA’s have two themes: “We have more in common than we think” and “9/11 happened to us all.”

CAIR-LA attorney Ameena Qazi, who wears a traditional Muslim head scarf, says she’s noticed an increase in hate e-mail and phone calls in the last six months.

CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush says hate talk is driven by fear of Islam — and that’s driven by ignorance. He says hateful comments keep bubbling to the surface long after the 9/11 attacks.


How about denouncing all the hate speakers among their own clerics? THAT might help. "As ye sow, so shall ye reap"


Anonymous said...

What's wrong with hating evil?

Anonymous said...

It's not ignorance that creates the fear of Islam. To the contrary it is knowledge that makes us fear Satan's religion.

Dr. Now said...

Some day, if we survive, we will acknowledge and accept what we all know to be true. The only solution for radical Islam is the same solution we would use against any other deadly virus that threatens the world. Total eradication.

Anonymous said...

that's not hate speech, JJR, those Muhammedans are just voicing their religious message and they're adhering to the religion of peace so it must be a message of peace, QED.

Anonymous said...

"CAIR-LA Executive Director Hussam Ayloush says hate talk is driven by fear of Islam — and that’s driven by ignorance."

Well, let me point out that the more you learn about Islam, the more you fear what it can and will do if given half a chance. It is not ignorance that drives the hate, it is the natural response to the venomous hate spewed by Islam towards the West.

Anonymous said...

Islam is - a Trojan Horse in the West (or) - a viper in the nest.

Anonymous said...

Islam is a very patient and methodical religion. If they can achieve their goals in a week, they will, however if it takes another century, so be it. We "infidels" live in the here and now, and simply have no clue as to the strength of their patience and endurance. Unless we stand up for our rights, the day is soon coming when we will have to either bow down to their rule, or bow our heads to be beheaded.


Anonymous said...

Islam is also a "cuckoo in the nest" fed and nurtured by the unsuspecting host (society) while the parasite gradually pushes out all competition in the nest and takes it over.

Anonymous said...

c:\delete religion.*

Anonymous said...

"What's wrong with hating evil?"

Like the Repuglicans?