Friday, September 17, 2010

It's "harassment" if men talk among themselves about women's looks?

We read:
"Last week The American Prospect [Leftist magazine] revealed an unsettling workplace trend. This discovery is completely unanticipated, so prepare to be shocked.

When female coworkers are out of earshot, men sometimes talk about them. Just awful, right? And guys aren’t just discussing the work habits of their female colleagues — occasionally they mention their looks!

This is the new “sexual harassment”: not the groping, fondling, and obscene comments of yesteryear, but “what’s said about [women] when their backs are turned.” According to the Prospect‘s Ann Friedman, “behind-their-back comments are also intimidation and bullying of a sexual nature.” And this indirect harassment is even worse than dealing with run-of-the-mill lewdness from male coworkers...



Greg said...

They want harassment, show them how much WOMEN talk about women behind their backs

Anonymous said...

And the female co-workers don't indulge in the same behaviour?
This is laesbian big sister at her worst. A complete invasion of privacy in the workplace.
How much coersion from the investgaive team took place to compromise the male workers.

What a complete load of crap. If these people had their way procreation would cease except for test tube babies for lesbian couples.

Even the Democrats couldn't stoop this low, except for Pelosi, Reid and Obama.

Anonymous said...

I always thought that herass was two words.

Anonymous said...

This is completely and utterly BS. Sure, it happens, and it probably happens all the time, but women are DEFINITELY not exempt from this. They flaunt their sexual exploits just as men do, and they are constantly ogling men's looks.

It really sounds like a bunch of unnecessary workers justifying their existence.


Anonymous said...

Here's yet another reason why most men find the rantings of women to be totally irrelevant. There is nothing women wouldn't say or do for attention, (even a look) which is why they take hours to get dressed. But if that attention should come from the "wrong" person, it's "call the lesbian lawyer time".

Aside from the radical lesbians who did this "study", the rest of the real world knows that when it comes to "talking behind someones back", women are a thousand times more guilty than are men, who generally couldn't care less about such nonsense. Is that perhaps what bothers women?

Malcolm said...

When I was in my twenties, I used to wonder what women talked about when men were not around. Then, on two occasions, I ended up in a corner of a room while the women forgot I was there. What do you think they talked about? Men!