Illinois High School Association: Private schools can't pray before games
We read:
"Alliance Defense Fund attorneys urged the Illinois High School Association in a letter sent Wednesday to terminate its policy banning private schools from praying or delivering religious messages over public address systems before IHSA tournament games hosted at private schools. ADF attorneys also offered the IHSA free legal representation in the event it is sued for rescinding its new rule if it decides to do so.
"Christians shouldn't be censored from expressing their beliefs, and especially not on their own private property," said ADF Senior Legal Counsel David Cortman. "It is blatantly unconstitutional for public school officials to come into private schools and enforce a policy prohibiting them from expressing what's central to their religious beliefs."
After allegedly receiving a few complaints from people who didn't like the prayers and religious announcements at the private schools, IHSA instituted a new rule prohibiting all prayer or religious messages given over PA systems prior to IHSA state series events, even when they are held on private school property.
The ADF letter to IHSA Executive Director Dr. Marty Hickman explains that the new policy is both needless and unconstitutional because private schools' prayers and religious announcements prior to games are in no way a state endorsement of religion.
Try to enforce that that at Allah Akbar High School.
That should be fun to watch.
Just because you cant use the PA doesnt mean you still cant pray. I went to a Catholic HS and our home games were always packed. If the 300 people in the stands started to say the Our Father out loud at the same time, then theres actually no need for the PA and the ISHA people can go to hell.
Just because public schools ban prayer does not mean they can make private schools, since private schools are exempt from State and Federal attempts to do that, since they are PRIVATE.
There is one huge problem with the theory that the IHSAA cannot tell the schools to pray because the schools are private entities.
That huge problem is that the IHSAA is a private entity as well.
In other words, the school joins the IHSAA and agrees to their bylaws and rules. The schools are free to not renew their association with the Association, or to work to change the rules. The same Constitutional rules of private groups apply to the IHSAA as it does to the schools.
If the IHSA represents the IL. school system, it is not a private entity, but a government one. In any case, it has no authority over private schools.
Would SOMEONE, P-L-E-A-S-E give these morons a copy of the constitution and bill of rights?
This is getting very old.
NOWHERE in any of these documents is there a "separation of church and state" clause.
Here it is for the morons out there:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
It states the government can not create a "state church" (i.e. the church of England) it in no way says the government can prohibit the "free exercise thereof."
If you are offended go home or hold you ears. Why should one or two morons dictate to everyone else what they can and cannot say at a "public" event?
And they wonder why religion is on the decline in America. The left is winning the children over. God is dead long live our new "messiah," Lord Obama, the give of all things.
While waiting for you government hand out, consider this:
"A government big enough to give you everything you want, is big enough to take away everything you have."
- Thomas Jefferson
Free speech issues aside...
Why do people feel the need to pray at football games? Is God a football fan? Does He let the team with the least numbers of sinners win?
Can't people pray to the deity for more worthy things?
Dear "Bobby":
Free speech issues aside...
Why do people feel the need to comment on weblogs? Are you a weblog fan? Does the weblog fan with the most comments win?
Can't people comment on more worthy things?
When people pray at a football game they are not praying to win, but to keep everyone safe. Shakespear said kill all the lawyers.. good idea.
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