Naughty, naughty: Australian politician offered sex toy so she could 'go screw herself'

We read:
"Police were called to check harassment claims against a Sydney councillor who put a motion to buy a sex toy for NSW Fair Trading Minister Virginia Judge [above] so she could go "screw herself".
Independent Strathfield councillor Danny Lim lodged the motion last month, recommending that the council purchase a vibrator for Ms Judge to encourage her "to stop screwing with the people of Strathfield and screw herself instead".
Council refused to table the motion but The Daily Telegraph can reveal Ms Judge has lodged a complaint with the council calling for action against Mr Lim. "The pattern of harassment and verbal abuse is intimidating and upsetting to me and my family," Ms Judge told council.
If the poor darling can't take the heat, she should get out of the kitchen. Danny Lim is of Asian ancestry but he is nonetheless a classic Australian character with no respect for BS. The voters like him.
Sounds just like what the US Republican Representatives should propose for Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid!
While I believe this to be inappropriate - I don't believe it rises to the level of "harassment," at least, not in America. But other countries have strange laws when it comes to what they jokingly call "Free Speech."
Besides, one look at her and that sex toy would short-circuit!
Now thats funny
"The chair moves that the council purchase a vibrator for Miss Judge to encourage her to stop screwing with the people of Strathfield and screw herself instead".
Now THAT's witty, and a great comeback.
sheesh, now people get angry when someone wants to buy them a gift?
looks hot to me , wiki dosnt show a man in her life , maybe some civic minded gentleman could cosy up to her.
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