Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Must not predict the death of Leftists

Even very ill ones.
"On his radio show Friday, Rush Limbaugh suggested that Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) would be dead by the time health care reform legislation passes. "Before it's all over, it'll be called the Ted Kennedy memorial health care bill," the talk show host says...

I'm sorry but this is the second republican or so-called conservative that has been outrageously rude by discussing the possible death of a famous person. First it was U.S. Sen. Jim Bunning that predicted that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg would be dead from pancreatic cancer within nine months. Now Rush Limbaugh is predicting that Sen. Ted Kennedy would be dead by the time health care reform was passed.....

I don't care how famous you are, television or radio, if you talk like this about another human being (that is currently undergoing health issues) you should be removed from your job. Some of you will say, "but he's got a huge following"; well sorry, but so did Hitler.



Anonymous said...

That's funny. I seem to remember hearing those on the left wishing Bush or Chaney would die.

When Chaney was in for his heat the blogs and MSM's were all atwitter about his chances.

I also remember hearing how they wished Bush/Chaney would get killed on a visit to Iraq.

I guess only the left can wish someone dead. Besides Rush's statement was not a wish for Ted to die.

Typical double standard!

Anonymous said...

I think Rush was easy on him to be honest. Need I mention everything from Mary Jo to calling Iraq "Vietnam". He is an old school scum bag politicion who has been given a free ride on all of the crazy things he has done. Now in one comment against him Rush is the bad guy? See Ya Ted, You always were the "Fredo" of the Kennedy family.

Anonymous said...

I remember when Tony Snow was suffering from cancer and Leftists wanted him to die and suffer and such.

Anonymous said...

6:38 - Stop taking your meds?

Anonymous said...

Wow, now stating the obvious is rude!

Anonymous said...

Weren't the lefties all saying that McCain was too old and that he would die in office if he got elected?

Anonymous said...

Jesus prophecied his own death, should he be removed from the bible?

Anonymous said...

Ted Kennedy has been dead spiritually since he murdered mary jo kopeckne.

Anonymous said...

JonJay, don't get your panties in a knot, especially when you're wrong. The Kennedy family has been a cancer on this country for generations. They all lived too long! And, since those on the Left have the right to say those same things about Conservatives and Republicans, then those on the Right had better have the same damned right. Even here!!

Anonymous said...

Gee, lest we forget Hugo Chevez's "boy-toy" Joe Kennedy, who willingly sold out America for the promise of a few barrels of oil. And, lots of TV exposure of course. Apparently, this family has the built-in "dupe" gene.

kfd211 said...

I wonder how Mary Joe's family took it. Doubt they are upset with the thought of their daughters murderer dieing. Ted reminds reminds me of Blazing Saddles when Mel Brooks says "gentlemen we gotta protect our phoney baloney jobs"
This will be historical..1st time in my lifetime NO Kennedy's in fed office

Anonymous said...

"My shooting has killed fewer people than Ted Kennedy's driving."

Even Dick Cheney can truthfully say that!