Wednesday, September 10, 2008

OK to call GWB a "retard"

I noted on August 12 how vastly incorrect the word "retard" seems to be. Some hairy British Leftist, however, thought nothing of applying the word to GWB:
"If his aim was to be noticed by America, Russell Brand more than achieved his goal last night as he ranted that President Bush was a "retarded cowboy" while hosting the MTV awards.

The British comedian, who is a virtual unknown in America, left the creme of the music world stunned as he championed Barack Obama, ran down George Bush and made lewd jokes about the Christian pop band Jonas Brothers.

Brand told the Hollywood audience they must vote for Barrack Obama "on behalf of the world", before insinuating that America had lower standards than Britain when it came to picking leaders.

"Some people, I think they're called racists, say America is not ready for a black president. "But I know America to be a forward thinking country because otherwise why would you have let that retard and cowboy fella be president for eight years?


Predictably, The New York Times loved it! But many listeners did not.


Anonymous said...

When given the facts most people are right leaning. Even without the facts approx %50 of the people are right leaning. Why is it that we don't pull a lefty stunt and start boycotting all this lefty crap like MTV, Hollywood, music, 90% of the cable channels, etc.
Hell, all Jesse Jackson had to do is threaten to boycott over Don Imuses remarks and he got banned from living.

Anonymous said...

Does MTV do ANYTHING anymore other than their 'music' awards?

Why does the hollywood crowd always turn to politics on stage when the theme has nothing to do with politics? 'Madonna-esque' publicity stunt?

Anonymous said...

Brand must be referring to large number of black politicians in Britain when speaks of American racism.

Anonymous said...

No one any better qualified to identify a retard than a retard,eh?

Anonymous said...

I recently heard a very knowledgeable person say, "in todays world, if you want to find a true communist, don't look to Russia, or Cuba, look to Hollywood".

It's really amazing how all those former waiters and waitresses sitting in the audience have now become so knowledgeable (and expert) about world affairs. Before they got their "lucky break", these were the fools who were serving you your breakfast, and now we pay to see them and hear them. So who are the real fools?