Monday, November 05, 2007

An Even Crazier Leftist Cry of "Censorship" than Usual

It's even worse than censorship according to this sad soul. It's "silencing":

"If you follow foreign news, you'll remember that former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto returned to her native Pakistan two weeks ago and only narrowly avoided being blown to bits.

I was thinking of this when I saw the reviews of Susan Faludi's new book, "The Terror Dream: Fear and Fantasy in Post-9/11 America," in which the dyspeptic feminist decries the "silencing" of women after the attacks. Evidently someone in Pakistan wants to "silence" Bhutto permanently, but that's not what Faludi has in mind.

Faludi's idea of "silencing" - and forgive me, but here it's such a preposterous, super-fatted term that I can't help giving it quotation marks - is not a bullet in the head or the detonation of explosives to shut up forever some meddlesome woman. Faludi is distressed that male writers outnumber females on the op-ed pages of American newspapers.


Women who really are silenced -- many Muslim women worldwide -- are of course no concern of this shrill egotist.