Thursday, November 22, 2007

Columbia U Leftists Moan about Free speech

When they are the chief enemies of it. Projection (seeing your own faults in others) is clearly an epidemic there:

"Faculty members presented a letter to top administrators Tuesday condemning University President Lee Bollinger for creating a "crisis of confidence" and accusing the University's administration of inadequately protecting academic freedom on campus....

"We speak for a growing number of faculty members at Columbia University who believe that President Bollinger has failed to make a vigorous defense of the core principles on which the University is founded, especially academic freedom," the statement reads. "The events of the past few years have created a crisis of confidence in the central administration's willingness to defend these principles." ....

Many of the professors who signed the letter-including Hamid Dabashi, Rashid Khalidi, and George Saliba-have found themselves at the center of Columbia controversies before and have a history of harshly condemning Bollinger.....

Many said the administration's defense-or lack thereof-of academic freedom has troubled them for some years and that the discontent came to a head this semester, with some pointing particularly to the reception of Ahmadinejad, in which Bollinger referred to the Iranian president as a "petty and cruel dictator." ....


Silly old Bollinger got the wrong idea of free speech altogether. He should have realized that free speech only extends to SUPPORTING Islamofascist maniacs!

I wonder how many of the above-mentioned professors condemned the silencing of the Minutemen spokesman at Columbia in October of last year?