Must not Criticize Obama
It's OK to call Christians "Taleban" but you must not compare Obama to fanatical Muslims. And Obama actually does have a Muslim background. Post below lifted from Macsmind
Liberals are amazing at what they attemp to defend. As you might know Mitt Romney caught their anger when he posed with a supporter in SC who was holding up a sign with a play on words comparing Obama with Osama.
Obviously Romney wasn’t making the comparison - the supporter was, and in the midst of a fund rasing rally no doubt there are many signs that abound. That doesn’t mean the candidate is making any such comparison. In fact from the picture it’s not even clear whether or not Romney saw the front of the sign.
Yet the hypocrisy of liberals is astounding. Talk about “comparisons”, they have no problem when Dick (Turban) Durban compared our soldiers with Nazis, or when their supporters compare Bush with Hitler.
But the real hypocrisy is defending Obama who has himself made some of the dumbest comparisons imaginable such as when he compared the VA Tech Massacre to outsourcing, or when he compared filling up your car to being a tyrant. Or even his most recent assertion that genocide is ok so long as we don’t have to fight to stop it.