As many tribes do, an Indian tribe on Rhode Island enjoys special legal privileges. A lady (Charlestown Town Council President Katharine Waterman) who opposes their plans for a casino in a scenic area thought they had enough privileges already and wrote as follows (excerpt):
"And they have free health care. For life.
And they have a good sized health clinic in Charlestown, even tho' there aren't many of them here.
We don't have one of those.
And we can't use it, even though it was paid for with our tax dollars.
And if you look around they have lots of things that the rest of us don't. I believe they have free college tuition. Not sure about that. They don't pay any taxes on their land, which was gifted to them.
They were given four million dollars by HUD to build homes for the elderly. Nobody lives in those twelve homes and the money ran out. Nobody knows where.
And just for chuckles, try to use your right to open meetings and access to public records to find out how much money (ours) do they get through the BIA. Never mind how much they get from those who would profit from exploiting them. But these reparations are paid today - by us - to folks who simply by accident of birth can claim Native American blood to some fraction.
Does that give them the right to be a sovereign people within a sovereign nation? To be free of the laws of our land? Where is the equality in that notion? Ethnicity does not convey privilege!
That was "race hatred", apparently. I would have thought that it was hatred of racial discrimination. I was once accused of being a "white supremacist" for disagreeing with "affirmative action" so maybe she is getting off lightly. Odd how Leftists always preach equality but then go out of their way to deny it to large sections of the population. As Orwell said: "Some pigs are more equal than others".
As far as being a "white supremacist" is concerned, I think I am more of a "yellow supremacist". I certainly think that the Han Chinese have a lot of admirable qualities that must eventually make them the center of civilization again (The Chinese still refer to their country as "the middle kingdom") and that may be only a few decades away at the rate they are going.
But it is only Leftist stupidity that sees some sort of "supremacism" or "racism" as the only possible reason for opposing affirmative action. That some people might actually believe in the equality that Leftists preach seems to be quite beyond their understanding.