Monday, December 19, 2022

Google is increasing their attacks on this blog

On 18th (yesterday) I republished here an article from the NY SUN about the definition of a woman. Google (who own blogspot) have put a notice on that post saying that they have unpublished it because it violates their guidelines. They have instructed me to revise the article according to their guidelines

The odd bit is that as far as I can see, the article is still appearing on my blog unaltered. Maybe I am the only one who can now see it. I would be obliged if readers would tell me what they see there when they log on.

The blog has been for some time behind a scare warning if you access it via a cellphone but remains accessible without interruption if you log onto it via computer

I update the backup to this blog continuously so if Google block you, you can go to the backuip instead:


Norse said...

I am reading this on an iPad and can see the article, dated Sunday December 18th.

Anonymous said...

Article still visible, was also visible yesterday.

stinky said...

I can see it, too.

Robert said...

Up here in America,

On a more personal note, is this still you, John. We exchanged emails awhile ago.

Robert in Georgia

Bird of Paradise said...

Big Brothers Montitoring You