Tuesday, September 01, 2020

University Shouldn’t Punish Me for Not Addressing Male Student as ‘Ms.’

Returning from a sabbatical in my 21st year at Ohio’s Shawnee State University, I resumed teaching my regular political philosophy course.

Taking questions in one such class at the end of my first day back, I acknowledged a male student with a “Yes, sir?” (It’s my practice to address my students in this way and to call them Miss, Mrs., or Mr. to foster an atmosphere of seriousness and mutual respect.)

After class, the student approached me to explain that he identifies as a woman and hereafter expected me to refer to him with feminine titles and pronouns.

“I’m not sure I can do that,” I told him.

He didn’t like that. He began to pace in circles around me, his voice rising and taking on an edge. He suggested an unprintable name he might feel free to call me if I declined to indulge his demands. Moreover, he said, he would see to it that I lost my job.

So far, that hasn’t happened, but I do have a letter of discipline in my file now that says I treated this particular student differently than other students by referring to him by his given name rather than as “Ms.” and “she.”

That’s all. No other allegations of hostile conduct or even of an unfair grade for the student were ever filed.

Consequently, I found it necessary to file a grievance against the university for violating my First Amendment protections of speech and religious freedom. My objections to the student’s request were based on my own philosophical and religious convictions, which the university blithely ignored.

I also believe I should have a certain amount of freedom, within my own classroom, to determine the exact language I do and do not use when teaching my class. The university denied me that freedom, as well. And it also denied my grievance.

That left me with no choice but to file suit through my Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys. Contrary to claims, such as those recently made by law professor Andrew Koppelman of Northwestern University, that I was simply “spoiling for a fight” and that my “arguments are so extravagant that they shouldn’t be worthy of notice,” all professors should be free to respectfully exercise their First Amendment rights.

They should not be compelled to say and teach things they don’t believe or risk being fired or disciplined. And everyone should be free to stand thoughtfully for the truth.

My letter of discipline notwithstanding, the school’s problem with me—and, for that matter, the student’s problem with me—is not really that I treated him differently, but that I did not. I treated this student exactly like I treat others, when in fact he wanted to be treated differently.

He demanded to be referred to as a woman. Though I could not in good conscience do that, I did offer to make an exception and refer to him by his given name, rather than either “Mr.” or “Ms.,” but, again, that wasn’t what he wanted. Nor was it, once his preference was stated, what the university administrators wanted for him.

“But,” many would say, “he has the right to identify as a woman if he wants to.” Perhaps, but I also have a right not to identify him as something I do not believe he is.

He has his beliefs, and I have mine. I can’t compel him to speak like me, and neither he nor the university should be trying to compel me to speak like him.



Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks they have any religious rights any more is mistaken. Woke is the new official religion and all others are to be destroyed. This is where the new revolution will be, the religious against those who are so woke they believe in everything and nothing at the same time. In the handmaid’s tale this is hinted at with the falling birth rate being the tipping point.

Bill R. said...

"Woke" is the new identifier for the accelerated dumbing down of America. You wanna dress like a girl? Fine. But don't expect ME to indulge in your fantasy world.

Stan B said...

This is just another example of the trend in academia, and society in general, of normalizing mental illness and indulging narcissism and psychopathy in a small subset of the population at the expense of the greater good.

If a student demanded to be called Emperor Bonaparte, everyone would recognize the delusion for what it is and move on, recommending the young person take his or her medication and seek professional help. Somehow, we have decided that the "trans" psychosis deserves a different response. It is disrespectful to both them and to us to insist on such "respect."

Bird of Paradise said...

If that's any sign of how these Liberal Run Collages operate then its time to cut back on their funding by 100%

Cody the Singing Bluejay Warrior said...

Its not Collage is a indoctrination Center

watching owl said...

Lefties love power and control over others. That is what this ever increasing political correctness is about. They love the feeling of making others speak and act the way they want them to. Complying with lefties will never satisfy them because it is the sense of power they get from forcing compliance that they enjoy, so they will always be demanding further pc compliance. There is no end to the craziness that they will force people to comply with. Eventually the rest of us will have to fight them. Historically, most western civil wars are between authoritarians and libertarians. In other words, between lefties and conservatives.