Sunday, September 15, 2019

A "violent silence"?  I love it!

No longer can we say that the Left never have an original thought.  The improbable expression "violent silence" has popped up in a Warmist headline from far-Left Australian e-zine "New Matilda".  The headline reads: "Australia Burns While We Maintain A Violent Silence On The Climate-Ecological Crisis"

How can a silence be violent?  It's another example of constant Leftist misuse of words

The article is just pure anecdote with no scientific merit whatsoever so I won't reproduce any of it here, but you can read it here


Anonymous said...

Politically Correct Liberal minds are twisted completely out of control !

Bird of Paradise said...

Political Correct Stupidity the Eco-Freaks the Climate Alarmists and the Back to Nature wackos all need to go live in the outback wery far in the outback

Stan B said...

"I'm sorry, you said nothing when something we think is bad was happening, therefore we need to respond to your blatant violence...."