'The sexism on their backs is NOT cute': Seemingly-innocent image of a little boy and girl in medical outfits sparks a firestorm on Twitter

Male nurses are still relativelty rare so this is just realistic
An image of two children walking hand in hand at the hospital that's circulating social media is leaving users divided over whether it's cute — or sexist.
The photo in question show what appears to be a little boy and a little girl walking together down a hospital hallway wearing similar colorful scrubs.
But while the blonde ponytailed little girl's scrubs are pink and say 'Nurse in Training' on the back, the little boy's are green and read 'Doctor in Training.'
The picture was shared on Twitter by @TheMedicalShots this weekend and quickly went viral.
It appears to show a little boy and a little girl who like each other and are holding hands at the hospital, walking away from the camera.
'This is cute, isn't it?' the account tweeted, adding a heart eyes emoji.
The tweet has been liked over 15,000 times so far, indicating that quite a few people agreed that the image was adorable — but the comments told a different story.
In fact, thousands of people chimed in to say plainly that no, the image isn't cute at all — it's sexist.
'No it’s not. Why isn’t she a Dr as well? Or why is the boy not a nurse?' asked one.
Suppose the boy is not a nurse because he wants to be a doctor. Assume the girl is not a doctor because she wants to be a nurse. Forcing a different role on either because of what YOUR politics or social desires are is called FASCISM, and should be condemned for not taking their individual feelings into account.
I hate freakin' gender nazis.
Some people want their fantasy instead of reality.
The funny thing is, the people complaining about this are probably the same ones who complain about assuming their gender.
How can they be sure that the little pink person is a girl and the little green person is a boy - or have they just assumed their gender by their haircuts?
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