Monday, March 11, 2019

A popular Melbourne cafe has been forced to apologise after customers were left disgusted by a “vile” joke displayed outside the shop

A popular Melbourne cafe has drawn outrage from the community and been forced to apologise after it displayed a joke outside the shop making fun of disabled people.

Seddon Deadly Sins cafe is known for writing puns and jokes on a sign outside the store and uploading them to Facebook.

But a joke they posted yesterday didn’t go down very well, resulting in serious backlash and forcing the owner of the cafe to apologise.

“My girlfriend broke up with me, so I stole her wheelchair,” the sign read.

“Guess who came crawling back.”

A picture of the sign was uploaded to the cafe’s Facebook page with the hashtags “#hahaha”, “#seddendeadlyfunnies” and “#haveyoulaughedlately”.

People were quick to call out the cafe, with many saying they should be ashamed of themselves and slamming the joke as “vile” and “pathetic”.



Spurwing Plover the fighting shorebird said...

Disabled People are far more intelligent then all these whining little collage snowflakes ever will be

Anonymous said...

That was funny. I don't care who you are. Oh Lord, I apologize for that one there, and please be with all cripples down in Melbourne and also with all the starving Pygmies down there in New Guinea! Amen!