Monday, March 18, 2019

Anger as VW chief executive plays on Nazi slogan at company event

It was clearly intended as a witticism bu he ran into the lack of humor on the sour Left

The chief executive of Volkswagen is facing calls to resign after an astonishing gaffe in which he appeared to riff on a Nazi death camp slogan.

Herbert Diess apologised on Thursday for a speech at a company event in which he repeatedly told VW employees: “EBIT macht frei”.

The phrase appears to be a play on “Arbeit macht frei” — work makes you free — a notorious Nazi slogan that was inscribed over the entrance to Auschwitz and other concentration camps.

EBIT is an acronym for Earnings Before Interest and Tax, a key indicator of a company’s profit.



Anonymous said...

Some people do not use good judgement in choice of words.

Anonymous said...

Well, it was Hitler's desire of a car for the people. He may not have built it, but he got his wish.