Saturday, October 29, 2011

Muslims say crosses at Catholic University Violate “Human Rights”

We read:
"The Washington, D.C. Office of Human Rights confirmed that it is investigating allegations that Catholic University violated the human rights of Muslim students by not allowing them to form a Muslim student group and by not providing them rooms without Christian symbols for their daily prayers.

The investigation alleges that Muslim students “must perform their prayers surrounded by symbols of Catholicism – e.g., a wooden crucifix, paintings of Jesus, pictures of priests and theologians which many Muslim students find inappropriate.”


So why are they going to a private Catholic university? They will certainly find no crosses at a State university


sig said...

Nice double standard the Muslims present. I'll be it I wanted to attend Fatwah University, I'd have to be exposed to Islamic symbolism without any hesitation.

Anonymous said...

they're of course enrolling in a Christian university for the precise purpose of launching these lawsuits.
Stealth jihad, get Christianity banned under the guise of it being discriminatory against Muhammedans.

Anonymous said...

My personal experience in defending clients before the Office of Human Rights in DC does not bode well for Catholic U to get a reasonable result.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you believe in turning the other cheek as Christians do. Better to live by the sword. Fear makes a much greater and longer-lasting impression than does love.

Dean said...

What's next? Christian churches forced to disguise their buildings as retail stores so the sight of a church doesn't offend Muslims?

Anonymous said...

It's just somebody/persons deliberately stirring up trouble - but feeding on the existing inter-religious intolerance. So much for all the "morality" that these two abrahamic religions pretend to espouse, so that they can be played off in such a way!

Anonymous said...

I say let 'em go at it, Catholics vs. Muslims. I hope there is violence. It would be quite entertaining. The makings of a reality show.

Anonymous said...

Of course they are offended by the Cross,satanist usually are. Islam is the religion of hell and the devil is their god..any doubt--stonings, burnings,honor killings,hanging innocent people,beheadings,fatwas,bounties to kill people just because they think the wrong way..etc.

Anonymous said...

I just don’t get it. What part of “Catholic” school don’t they get? It is a private religious
institution so they are not bound by federal or state discrimination laws. Just is
in a mosque the women have to pray separately from the men, i have no right
to file a law suit of discrimination. The time has come again when Christians are
being persecuted for being Christians again, just as the Romans threw them to the lions.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps they should also hang the person responsible for letting them in.

Anonymous said...

The sooner all religions and races come to understand that there is a program in the works that desires to manufacture a new global relgion and government, the better.

But that would be a conspiracy theory given that most only like to attack the symptoms for fear of being accused of CT, so they'll generally continue to engage the symptoms only.

The mixing of peoples and religion is designed to create this very problem so as to give the impression of failure.

The Mental cAsE hierarchy that infest governance have munchausen's syndrome by proxy and need to be separated from us for our own protection. They seek to harm us with their "love", so that they can appear as caring courageously.

The solution their imposts is simple. Broad separation of peoples and their specific religions with the understanding that only together and in mutual respect may they stand.

There is a population problem on this earth. Only by cultural levelling and redistribution through immigration of the third world into the first can this problem be alleviated. Or so they say.

Bob Brown and the Greens desire Global Governance and the elimination of religious fantasms.

You will comply with all immigration and mind control imperatives, lest you be branded haters and bigots.

Anonymous said...

This is a lawsuit by a JERK who has his head so far up his a** he's made a second full loop.

Anonymous said...

This is just another example of Christians being persecuted to make way for the inevitable takeover of Islam.

The day will come, my friends, when Islam will take over our Constitutional legal system in favor of Sharia Law, and anyone who is a non-Muslim will be doomed to death unless they convert. Islam is patient and relentless. They will prevail.

Pray the Jesus comes back soon.