MI: Slang for breasts declared “dirty word” on cancer-awareness t-shirts

We read:
"About two dozen students wore pink T-shirts to Mona Shores High School on Wednesday to raise awareness of breast cancer and to support one of their mothers, who is battling the disease. School administrators made them turn the shirts inside out.
The students’ hearts were in the right place; it was their choice of words that was objectionable, administrators said. The shirts read: ‘Save the Ta-Tas.’
‘The cause of breast cancer isn’t the issue,’ Superintendent Terry L. Babbitt said Friday. ‘But just because something is dedicated to a particular cause, it doesn’t give you a license to say whatever'
Given the idiotic reaction of the school administration the girls should have gone "all the way" and gone topless with:
Written across their stomachs in magic marker!
license to say?
Sums it up right there, doesn't it?
gone topless with:
Written across their stomachs in magic marker!
I believe Code Pink already tried that ... but for some reason no one could see it.
I actually agree with the school on this one. Why go for the low brow humor in HS. They couldn't just have a normal breast cancer awareness t-shirt? Would it be ok to promote prostate cancer with a t-shirt saying safe the love pump?
So if they read, "Save the Breasts", do you think that the school administration been any more lenient? I really doubt it.
I think the HS over reacted some. However, vulgarity is in the eye of the beholder. I think Ta tas is a harmless and comical slang term, meant to avoid more extreme vulgarities, but to each his own. I do think it is acceptable, to a degree that schools enforce some min. standards, and that each school be given some leeway to allow for local customs (San Francisco, CA vs Harrison, AR)
So if I was a resident of Chatsworth, CA, a noted porn film production capitol, it would be OK for my child to wear a shirt that reads, "Save Our Cum-covered Tits (then suck 'em , you whore!)", right?
That's actually the problem Anon 5:08. The EduNazi's who run these indoctrination camps arbitrarily make up their own standards, usually in clear violation of the Constitution, and always based on their twisted, PC'ized view of the world.
In America we now need a "license" to speak? Does that come right out of Mein Kampf? But i don't blame it on the "camp guards", i blame it on the gutless parents who send their children to such places without so much as a word of protest.
Why go for the low brow humor in HS.
Who said that this was "low brow humor?"
They couldn't just have a normal breast cancer awareness t-shirt?
They are normal breast cancer awareness t-shirts. In fact, they are award winning designs of t-shirts. This was not some group of kids who came up with this product. The shirts not only are part of a recognized line, but also a portion of the sales of the shirts go to breast cancer research.
Would it be ok to promote prostate cancer with a t-shirt saying safe the love pump?
This is part of the problem with internet debates. The tendency is to give some sort of extreme example to prove a point.
The standard for speech in school is that it must be time appropriate. That was not the case here. The second criteria is that is must not disrupt the school or have the school officials believe that it will disrupt the learning environment.
There were no complaints about the tee-shirts from parents or students, so the disruption angle is not applicable.
We are therefore left with the administration believing that the t-shirts would cause a disruption. The administration does not even say that was the reason. They banned the t-shirts were "because some thought the slogan on the shirts were in poor taste or offensive."
These shirts were banned not because of any legal reason, but because someone thought they might be offensive. That doesn't cut the legal mustard.
Oh, and as for the "love pump" shirts? They can help you out there too:
Wanna bet the complaint was made by some flat-chested girls?
I hereby volunteer to personally thoroughly examine and inspect the shirts of any female who wants to wear a T-shirt, controversial or otherwise (as long as she is over 18.)
BTW, to the woman featured in the picture, n-i-c-e.
I'd hit that!
Would the school administrators have preferred the shirts to say, "save the titties"? Somehow I think they would prefer ta-ta's to that.
I honestly didn't see anything wrong with the girls' slogan, but after reading all the posts from the picture and the article, I think these girls are better off there are some pretty twisted little puppies out there. This is very sad because, it just shows your mentality levels. Grow up!! Don't you have anything better to do?
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