Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Naughty Virgil Goode

Virginia Republican Congressman Virgil Goode has come under a lot of fire for a letter he wrote to constituents about immigration last December. He wants to stop illegal immigration and cut back on legal immigration -- particularly immigration from Muslim lands. You can read the letter here.

What he says seems a fairly mainstream viewpoint to me. I am pretty sure a majority of Americans would agree with it. But to the media and to the Left it is "racist", "bigoted" etc. You can read one furious editorial condemnation of Goode here.

So once again certain opinions must not be uttered. No doubt contrary to media expectations, Goode was not forced into a backdown or apology, however. His response to his critics is here. There is also a good counterblast to Goode's critics here which points out that Goode's critics could be described with most of the words they applied to Goode.

I suspect Goode's critics are so furious with him because they know that it is THEIR pro-Muslim views that are very much in the minority in America. He has given voice to ideas that threaten to upset their little applecart.

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