Monday, January 15, 2007

More Mainstream Hate-Speech against Christianity

If hate-speech against Muslims, homosexuals etc. is not allowed, why is it OK to insult Christians?

"NBC has plummeted to the level of CBS, with a late-night skit that blatantly mocks Christianity by portraying Jesus as a homosexual voyeur, a stunt that would have been instantly condemned nationwide if it had focused on any subject other than Christianity, according to a pro-life leader.

The show, an episode of "Late Night With Conan O'Brien," was taped and aired this week, and featured a skit with a character called "the homophobic country western singer," according to Douglas R. Scott Jr., the president of Life Decisions International.....

"We've been put in the back of society's bus. The bad thing is we're willing to do it. If we responded like blacks, Jews, you name the different groups, homosexuals. If we responded like they do, only in love, this kind of thing wouldn't happen. It wouldn't be tolerated here," he said.


I personally think people should be free to say what they like about any group -- as long as there is no accompanying incitement to violence. But a double standard of sheltering some groups and not others is plainly unjust. I must be old-fashioned but I think that equality before the law still makes a lot of sense.

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