Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Concerning the censorhip of "EDUCATION WATCH"

Google have now wiped out a number of my blogs and each time I have had to decide what to do about that. Most of what I was putting up on "EDUCATION WATCH" could equally well have gone up on "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH" so I have decided to do that. I will not try to resurrect "EDUCATION WATCH" but will from now on post most of what it was saying on "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH"

I have no real idea of what inflamed Google about "EDUCATION WATCH" but I will try to avoid posts of a more controversial kind.

"POLITICAL CORRECTNESS WATCH" has itself been shut down by Google but contnues to exist as "Skeptical Notes" and can be found at https://westpsychol.blogspot.com or http://jonjayray.com/pcsep24.html

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