Monday, January 22, 2024

Jordan Peterson will not shut up

Jordan Peterson upsets academia. Their determination to ‘shut him up’ has little to do with arguments about free speech and everything to do with the fragility of left-wing dogma.

It’s the reason his detractors picket university talks and mumble nonsense along the lines of, ‘I’m in favour of free speech but not speech that causes “harm”…’ In this Utopia of moderated dialogue, ‘harm’ is deliberately left open to interpretation.

To the climate zealot, ‘harm’ could be a few quips comparing wind turbines to bird-murdering machetes. If your religion falls under the thousand genders of fluid identity, a lecture in biology may resemble a crucible of violence.

Peterson’s frequent criticism of climate ideology, transgender politics, and the Canadian government has been ruthless. Deservedly so. This doesn’t sit well with social media policies related to his standing as a clinical psychologist where his comments have attracted a number of complaints.

Throughout subsequent legal proceedings, Peterson has maintained the argument that his social media commentary exists separate from his profession, but it was decided that his profession is regulated and contains obligations and rules governed by a regulatory body that ‘may limit freedom of expression’. According the CBC, ‘The college’s ethics code requires members to use respectful language and not engage in “unjust discrimination”.’

Peterson is not the sort of person you can throw a censorial spear at and hope he’ll stay on the ground, bleeding out in a puddle of self-pity. He is a battle-hardened social commentator who has run out of patience. Importantly for the future of this conversation, he is also shielded by the armour of independent wealth.

When I think of Peterson, I remember his 2016 speech held on the grounds of the University of Toronto. He appeared furious at the behaviour of students cosplaying Maoist-style censorship. These teenagers were supportive of Bill C-16 which effectively compels the citizens of Canada to uphold the scientifically illiterate politics of gendered pronouns.

To be clear, we live in a world where political leaders instruct us to ‘trust the science’ and then reserve the right to redefine science to suit feelings in defiance of reality. Or put more simply, ‘trust the dogma’.

‘Free speech is the mechanism by which we keep our society functioning,’ bellowed Peterson, at the rally. ‘The consequence of free speech is the ability to speak so people can put their finger on problems, articulate what those problems are, solve them, and come to a consensus! And we risk losing that!’

Peterson went on, rising in volume and fury as the students appeared to beg the government to silence freedom of expression. They are examples of history’s useless idiots cheering on the iron fist in the mistaken hope it will only smash their ideological opposition.

The line that caught me was this:

‘I know where that leads. I’ve studied totalitarianism for four decades and I know how that starts.’

It was the battle cry of someone acquainted with history. He had a devastated look in his eyes. Exasperation. Peterson was someone tired of the wheel cycling human idiocy back on itself, caked in the muck of failed sadistic empires.




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