Sunday, December 27, 2020

Oregon Doctor Who Lost Medical License Over Face Masks Is Fighting Back

An Oregon doctor -- a physician, not a "Dr." Jill Biden -- lost his medical license after speaking out about face masks. What exactly did the doctor say about face masks? He said masks don't do much when it comes to stopping the spread of COVID-19. Of course, Dr. Anthony Fauci said the same thing and didn't lose his medical license. But this isn't Dr. Fauci we're talking about. It's Dr. Steven LaTulippe, a retired Air Force officer and practicing physician for more than 20 years.

The doctor spoke at a "Stop the Steal" rally on Nov. 7 in Salem, Oregon, made some heretical comments about face masks the Oregon Medical Board doesn't want people to hear, and a few weeks later the board suspended his license. A similar thing happened to Galileo. I would say the city of Salem is known for its witch trials, but it's the wrong Salem and LaTulippe never got a trial.

The doctor's license was suspended after the medical board declared that LaTulippe "presents a serious danger to the public health and safety." The board claims the physician and his staff refused to wear face masks and encouraged patients to remove theirs as well. The doctor's clinic is also accused of failing to implement screening procedures upon entry to the premises.

According to LaTulippe, the board's emergency suspension order is "riddled with misleading, deceptive, and fraudulent information."

"For example, they claim that I have no detailed COVID-19 protocol," the doctor told Townhall. "I do have an excellent protocol that worked beautifully - no viral spread among my patients or staff, despite me never closing my clinic throughout the entire pandemic. They state 'there is no effective [COVID] treatment at this time,' yet every COVID patient I treated - about 100 - recovered very quickly (within about a week) and completely."

None of LaTulippe's patients required hospitalization and there were no deaths. The catalyst for the doctor's suspension appears to be his remarks before the Stop the Steal rally on Nov. 7, where the physician referred to the coronavirus as "a common cold virus that has been with us forever."

LaTulippe said he's very much interested in practicing "evidence-based medicine," just not the "politics-based medicine" currently in vogue in the medical community, especially in Oregon.

What in the Fresh Hell Is This? Wishing Someone a 'Merry Christmas' Is White Supremacy

I mean, we shouldn’t be shocked that people like this exist. Ever since 'wokeness' latched onto the political Left like a barnacle, the hot takes have grown more insane. Whatever you thought was ‘too extreme’ quickly was turned on its head with these people. Since Obama, the ‘woke’ Left has thrust scores of pseudo-intellectual talking points into the social media universe in the hopes of making it mainstream. Yet, the most common is making everything into a vehicle for white supremacy and then bashing it. Ladies and gentlemen, these people think that a man who holds the door for a woman is a sexist, misogynist dinosaur. Are we shocked that they decided to put Christmas on the white supremacy list?

Even now, we can’t say Merry Christmas on certain platforms, who have opted for the more politically correct ‘happy holidays’ send off. But as Jen Bokoff of the Disability Rights Fund reminded all of us today, a lot of people don’t celebrate Christmas, so please be cognizant of that because “the default Merry Christmas as a normal greeting is also white supremacy culture at work.” Yeah, we’re not all mentally defective, Jenny. If I see someone with a yarmulke on, I’m not going to say, “Merry Christmas.” Also, this isn’t some random holiday. It’s not something where only half the nation celebrates. The vast majority celebrate Christmas. In fact, billions do. And not all Christians are white people. I guess it would shock Jen that a lot of people of color are—gasp—Christian.

The added idiocy with this ‘wishing merry Christmas is white supremacy culture’ take is that it carries this connotation that all holidays are relatively equal with regards to participation. Sorry, given the numbers, no one really celebrates Kwanzaa. I think more people attend ComicCon than those who celebrate Kwanzaa. We’re also the most religious industrialized nation. It’s not even close. The United States has a population of 331 million; 205 million are Christians.

It’s all part of the multi-pronged assault on other institutions that divert attention away from the power base that progressives think we should all trust without question and worship like God, and that would be the government. You can’t be trusted with firearm ownership, only agents of the state can be. We’ll give you free health care. We’ll take care of you from cradle to grave. The list goes on and on, but religion and its Constitutional protections present the biggest threat to the progressive agenda, the woke agenda, which is why they workday and night to eliminate these people from society. So, piss these people off, and wish everyone a Merry Christmas this year, next year, and for all time.




1 comment:

Bird of Paradise said...

Sounds to me like more acts of tyranny by their Democrat Governor just as always with the Democ-Rats trying to silence all those who stand in the way of the Globalists and the New World order run by the United Nations