Friday, November 16, 2018

CSU Adds ‘Long Time, No See,’ ‘You Guys,' ‘Freshman’ to Long List of Politically Incorrect Words

Students at Colorado State University (CSU), apparently, should no longer say “long time, no see,” “you guys” or “freshman,” because those terms are not considered “inclusive language.”

In an opinion piece for the Rocky Mountain Collegian, titled “CSU has gone too far with inclusive language,” CSU student Katrina Leibee said she was told to use “y’all” and “first-year” instead, in order to be “inclusive of all genders.”

“A countless amount of words and phrases have been marked with a big, red X and defined as non-inclusive,” Leibee wrote, describing her frustration with the university’s penchant for political correctness.. “It has gotten to the point where students should carry around a dictionary of words they cannot say.”

Inclusive language is language that “is free from words, phrases or tones that reflect prejudiced, stereotyped or discriminatory views of particular people or groups,” as well as language that “doesn’t deliberately or inadvertently exclude people from being seen as part of a group,” according to the U.S. Department of Education.

Leibee said she met with the CSU director of Diversity and Inclusion, Zahra Al-Saloom, who showed her an “entire packet” of words and phrases that are not considered “inclusive” at CSU. The common greeting “long time, no see,” for example, is verboten because it is apparently “derogatory towards those of Asian descent.”

“We have been asked to get rid of the language we have been using for as long as we have known the English language,” Leibee said.



ScienceABC123 said...

"Hey you guys, long time no see! So how's it feel to be a freshman."

Anonymous said...

Political Correctness run amok again.

Anonymous said...

Utter madness.

Anonymous said...

As a 60 yr old, I think they should get rid of "Senior" as well. It's offensive to me that a 20 something is called senior. Maybe call them Last years or final years?

Stan B said...

Freshman is sexist and ageist.
Sophomore means "wise fool" and is derogatory on its face.
Junior is obviously another ageist expression.
Senior is actually inaccurate, because they're only 20somethings.

What these purveyors of correctness fail to see is that all language is an attempt to generally classify the world - and therefore all language eventually becomes problematic if your goal is to avoid classification.

stinky said...

Well, now that we's all talkin' like suthnahs, y'all, can someone tell me how to pronounce "The United Negro College Fund?"