Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Canada: More Denial of History

We read:

"The B.C. government is considering removing four murals under the dome of the B.C. legislature, one of which depicts bare-breasted native women hauling logs and fish for white men -- sparking a debate over whether art is being trumped by political correctness.

The murals, which also show a native being punished before a colonial court and a pair of landscapes celebrating Europeans colonizing the New World as natives look on impassively, were unveiled as high-minded public art 75 years ago.

The B.C. Liberal government is quietly formulating a plan that could see the art removed from the legislature -- or at least hidden from public view. Aboriginal Relations Minister Mike de Jong has been seeking input from native leaders about the fate of George H. Southwell's colourful paintings, which they consider racist, depicting natives at one of their darkest moments in history.


Leftists love to live in an imaginary world.